Author Topic: The Culling - Who's got?  (Read 1717 times)

Might make this into a megathread later.
I need a doubles partner who knows what they're doing.

If you have a mic to use I have it and I'm good at it.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 11:17:38 PM by DaSord213 »

I got it had a sick kill with a nice claymore plant my name is coolfunkypanda

I have it, current steam name is Zesty Avian but not sure if you can find it off that.

For $15 this game isn't that bad. I have tons of fun playing it.

The lumberjack drop is the best.

I don't know what this is and nobody's linked it or even described it so I can't be forgeted.

I don't know what this is and nobody's linked it or even described it so I can't be forgeted.
It's a great hunger games/battle royal type game with good combat. It's not a survival simulator trying to be the hunger games, it's a simple battle royal game being itself.

For $15 this game isn't that bad. I have tons of fun playing it.
The lumberjack drop is the best.

Is the medic drop still 50 func? Pretty powerful when combined with Load Dropper

edit just checked, nope lol, it's been raised to 105

Theif drop 85 func
Level 3 kukri + backpack + mantracker.
It's perfect for my group build

I really just don't understand the whole concept of hand-to-hand combat in this game. Maybe it's just my god-awful australian ping, but I've gotten my ass handed to me like 20 times now and I haven't learned a thing

Maybe it's just my god-awful australian ping
Found your problem.

poor weaponless me was being beaten to stuff by a hammer until someone with a spear showed up
just run away haha let the big guys fight it out im out.
survived mass carnage because of that guy <3