Author Topic: This steam achievement face does not exist.  (Read 1263 times)

So I was bored and was looking at the achievement global stats. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Then I noticed one of the achievements use a face that does not exist in the default game.

The only achievement to not feature a default face.

I'm suing for false advertising.

demian saves the day again

...only 40% have changed their name?
And yet 70% have hosted a server?


...only 40% have changed their name?
And yet 70% have hosted a server?

If you transfer your Blockland over to the steam version then your pre-existing name stays. So for a lot of people there's no need to change their name, so they don't get the achievement.

The 40% are new purchases, and those Steam converts who have since changed names.
The 60% are Steam converts who kept their name, and a small amount of new purchases who still go about as Blockhead#.

I changed my name and then changed it right back so I could get the achievement

...only 40% have changed their name?
And yet 70% have hosted a server?

65.5% of players have never played through the tutorial, or haven't done it since Blockland was released on steam.

we need to put the tutorial back on the main menu