Author Topic: Corrupt A Wish 3.0  (Read 12145 times)

Your wish would be granted, but you illegally attempted to change the title of the posts. This makes your karma too low to grant your wish.

I wish I had a bottle of coke.
granted, you get a bottle full of cocaine and you are promptly arrested.

I wish for a normal sleeping schedule

Granted but you go back to your abnormal sleeping schedule 5 seconds after you get your normal sleeping schedule

I wish for one jillion dollars

Your wish would be granted, but I thought you had to grant the wish?
So you're implying VAC and Source are majorly flawed? Yes, if people want to kick you in TF2 and they use the drop-down reason "Cheating" it lowers your VAC score. Enough people do this and VAC starts looking at you more and more suspiciously. Maybe not to the extent of "VAC IS WEIRD YOU'RE BANNED" but it does have a few issues. Technological solutions to people problems seldom work well.

Granted but you go back to your abnormal sleeping schedule 5 seconds after you get your normal sleeping schedule

I wish for one jillion dollars

Granted, But you will lose 100 dollars every second you dont spend time in a store.

I wish that badspot wouldn't be a bad spot and add terrain again, Well, it sorta came back, because of staticmaps. Anyway... CORRUPT MY WISH XD

Granted but the update corrupts the game and makes it permanently unplayable, and the update is never fixed

I wish for lods of emone

Granted but you will only have a lod of emone

I wish to have a tower of cookies


-ps. if you spell it correctly, its loads of money, but you will only get a load of money-

granted but it falls down because some idiot didn't stack them the right way
i wish for superfun to stop being cringey

You become the very thing you hate shortly after Superfun changes

I wish I knew my geography

Granted, but now you're bad (or worse) at math.

I wish I would stop avoiding my responsibilities so much.

Granted, now your house is clean. But now you can't get on and have fun with this forum game. Good job.

i wish to have a unicorn that follows me around

Granted,but its a Bad MLP oc

I wish that I could make video games

Granted but you can only make jumpscare fnaf rip-offs

I wish for succ

granted now solve it

i wish for top dolla

not granted, you get bottom dolla instead

I wish for drugs to be legalized everywhere in murica