Author Topic: Baby Mod  (Read 18379 times)

For some reason, I have 8 folders with a name Add-ons

Code: [Select]
} else if(%baby.stage $= "Teenager"){
messageclient(%client,"","\c3" @ @ "\c6: SNOT! :D");

i see what you did thar

Not to be too critical but god, your formatting is atrocious.  Did you consider someone might want to read through this?  Besides that, good coding.

Not to be too critical but god, your formatting is atrocious.  Did you consider someone might want to read through this?  Besides that, good coding.
I already did

it is confusing

Code doesn't have to be confusing to read if we all just use some standards

Hey MrPickle ! yes you don't know me but can i can i change up your mod like what they say and stuff and post it again as a new topic? I promise I'll include you that you made the script! 
PLEASE! Answer my question or ill just go ahead and post it xP
Answer me by tomorrow Please :)
- Jaden

Pickle quit Blockland due to pwnage/flaming.


He'll be back soon. If you look at his profile he checked out the forums a day ago, I guess he thought that setting his online status set to hidden would hide this, too. He clearly can't help himself and the gravity of Blockland is just reeling him in.

I suspect he'll be reading this so I'll just leave him a little message:

Hi Mr.Pickle, It turns out that your little publicity stunt didn't work and actually turned the majority of the community against you incase you hadn't noticed - so you'll now be remembered as the little kiddy who exploded because he couldn't take the incredibly stressing pressure of being a Blockland Modder.

I think someone should add the phrase "I hate Blockland and I'm NEVER PLAYING AGAIN!" to the list of what the Teenager baby says.

Pickle quit Blockland due to pwnage/flaming.


MrPickle "quit" Blockland because he is a whiny idiot.  It's funny to me that Pickle chose to create a topic like THIS one even though Ephi and I gave him ridiculous amounts of coding help, even to the point of spoon feeding it to him.  Pickle "quit" because people started to call him on his bullice cream.

I think someone should add the phrase "I hate Blockland and I'm NEVER PLAYING AGAIN!" to the list of what the Teenager baby says.

Awesome.  Then the baby should leave the room, secretly watching all the other babies having fun without him.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 09:48:00 AM by Trader »

I'll admit that Trader you are hard on people sometimes, but you usually give good help/suggestions. Its funny to me that Pickle took the time to look for a picture with 2 fat guys in those positions... :cookieMonster:

I'll admit that Trader you are hard on people sometimes, but you usually give good help/suggestions. Its funny to me that Pickle took the time to look for a picture with 2 fat guys in those positions... :cookieMonster:
he's gays he no care

Th download link at midia is broken. Please give new link!

Mod is fail anyways Pickle am a Pickle.

Pickle quit Blockland due to pwnage/flaming.


MrPickle "quit" Blockland because he is a whiny idiot.  It's funny to me that Pickle chose to create a topic like THIS one even though Ephi and I gave him ridiculous amounts of coding help, even to the point of spoon feeding it to him.  Pickle "quit" because people started to call him on his bullice cream.

I think someone should add the phrase "I hate Blockland and I'm NEVER PLAYING AGAIN!" to the list of what the Teenager baby says.

Awesome.  Then the baby should leave the room, secretly watching all the other babies having fun without him.