

20 (74.1%)
enlist now
7 (25.9%)

Total Members Voted: 27

Author Topic: help me make a decision (military stuff)  (Read 2546 times)

hello forums
recently my brother graduated from basic training/AIT. so i flew down there to witness his graduation, i met his drill sergeants, etc. and i really liked what i saw, so I'm prolly gonna join too. I'd be going for national guard.
thing is, I'm still in high school. nation guard offers something though: I could join now, then go to basic training in summer. then come back for senior year, finish school, then go again once i've graduated, and do AIT there. AIT is advanced individual training, which is just training based on which MOS you picked. i'd be going as a combat engineer or a cavalry scout.

otherwise, i'd have to wait until after i graduate. problem with this is that it's far as heck and i just wanna join now. the problem with joining now is that Basic/AIT is split up so it costs more to fly between states, and i'd prolly lose my military mentality when i go back for AIT.

tldr; i wanna join the army now but it'll be forgeted up and gapped and it'll take a while. or i can join later, after i graduate, and do both basic/AIT at the same time. but that's far as stuff away

so help me forums, which one do I do? enlist now or later??

Enlist now, then hopefully by the time clinton settles into office you'll be trained enough to invade a few countries for oil

why do you want to join the army? do you have something to escape?
most people go because they want to get away from something, have to, feel pressured because their family before them did, or have no idea what else to do with their life.
are you sure you want to spend your worth in the army? its a huge commitment

wait, it will give you more time to think about if it's what you really want. who knows, between now and then something else might come up that would change your mind

why do you want to join the army? do you have something to escape?
most people go because they want to get away from something, have to, feel pressured because their family before them did, or have no idea what else to do with their life.
are you sure you want to spend your worth in the army? its a huge commitment
I just like the lifestyle. I've always been interested in stuff like it. National guard makes it so that you only have to go one weekend a month, so it's not as a huge of a commitment as going active would be, which is like, when you're stationed out in a country away from family. i'd be at home most of the time.

wait, it will give you more time to think about if it's what you really want. who knows, between now and then something else might come up that would change your mind
totally dude. i already advice people to take a year off between highschool and college because so many people get in debt and end up with a degree in something they dont enjoy.
cant even begin to fathom how that would be in the army.

I just like the lifestyle.
the lifestyle? i think you have to spend some time really looking into it.

i might seem a little over exaggerating but like it's a BIG choice man. im also a little biased because enlisting ruined my friend's marriage when he was in south korea.

Do a bit more research on it, enlist, then either strive for higher positions or get into a different job

In your mind what are the actual benefits of enlisting?

You do you, but I would rather kill myself than enlist.

enlisting in any branch of the military seems like an awful idea given the current state of affairs

You do you, but I would rather kill myself than enlist.
coincidence you say that because the Self Delete rate for active troops is 48% higher than the national rate
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/ali-meyer/Self Delete-rate-active-duty-troops-48-higher-national-rate

If I where you I would wait until the last year of High School, and then enlist right before you graduate.

Education is priority and even though they would give you some, its better to finish school and then go then to be juggling two things.

what you want to do is go into the reserves. you'll have more time to think and they will pay for your college.

In your mind what are the actual benefits of enlisting?
in my case, joining the Guard would serve as a part time job, it'd look good on my resume, I think it pays for part of college..
plus it'd just be a great experience to better me as a person. im sure there's more benefits
If I where you I would wait until the last year of High School, and then enlist right before you graduate.

Education is priority and even though they would give you some, its better to finish school and then go then to be juggling two things.
i was considering this. i'd probably enlist during senior year and then go once i graduate.
what you want to do is go into the reserves. you'll have more time to think and they will pay for your college.
I thought of this too. i'd have to research more

i might seem a little over exaggerating but like it's a BIG choice man. im also a little biased because enlisting ruined my friend's marriage when he was in south korea.
in South Korea all men are required to serve for a few years when they turn [18]. a lot of them move to japan / somewhere else so they can escape it.

also relax a bit. odds of him getting enlisted and dying are low. Self Delete rate is usually people that were in action / have no home to go back to. OP is a student that will be able to test high and get placed high. he's more valuable than the average joe enlisting because he has nothing else for him. it's those who are idiots / homeless that get thrown into the front lines