
Who do you save?

The trolley
The worker
My name is not important

Author Topic: The Trolley Dilemma  (Read 6818 times)

EDIT: Oh, apparently he means a TRAIN. NOT A loving TROLLEY YOU STUPID loving AMERICAN CUNT.

I'm not familiar with the lingo you Australians use, but this is what we americans call a trolley:

But who knows maybe there is actually a shopping cart on track holding dozens of people and about to run some guy over.
a trolley carries shopping not people, silly america
Nothing's stopping you from though.

I used to sit in them all the time while going through supermarkets though

I was always packed close with the milk
make yourself a little fort out of groceries

I thought trolley was the british word for that very same vehicle.

do we even call them trolleys anymore? tram sounds better imo

I thought trolley was the british word for that very same vehicle.

Nope. The only trolleys we have are shopping trolleys. I used to be a trolley boy at a supermarket, and would collect and move trolleys in the car park.

For the vehicle that ThatDarkNinja just posted, we would probably call that a Tram.
For larger vehicles that don't have overhead wires, they're all trains, whether steam, petrol or electric.

For the vehicle that ThatDarkNinja just posted, we would probably call that a Tram.
For larger vehicles that don't have overhead wires, they're all trains, whether steam, petrol or electric.
Exactly what I learned growing up.

Well you guys learned wrong. Get over it.

Well you guys learned wrong. Get over it.
that isnt how it works.

Well you guys learned wrong. Get over it.
What the forget is wrong with you?

the real trolley dilemma is whether it's a trolley or a tram

It's both here in America, it's called either a trolley or a tram, that style is mainly refered to as a trolley.

usually if it looks more modern it's called a tram, and if it looks victorian-ish it's called a trolley

usually if it looks more modern it's called a tram, and if it looks victorian-ish it's called a trolley
yeah pretty much this actually, when I said that last thing I didn't take into account there's different styles

but what if it's a STEAM trolley?