Author Topic: Blockland with a Gamepad  (Read 3098 times)

I hooked up BL to work with an XBOX one controller and it was surprisingly playable. The aiming was a little awkward when I couldn't get the sensitivity just right, and switching items took a long time, but other than that, it was really nice. Anyone else tried this?

I filmed a video:

i used to do that with xpadder and a ps4 controller

I've made a custom support script for my PS3 controller just to try it.
It was neat to use but got annoying since using your keyboard and mouse is much better.
My favorite part had to be using it on speed-kart servers.

I prefer using the steam controller than my Xbox one controller, having a mouse like touchpad and button grips helps a lot, the only problem is Blockland doens't support a high dpi and playing on a big TV is impossible, well it is but you will not be able to see chat at all or text and things will be ridiculously small.

i've used my steam controller with bl. it's pretty usable

I once made a button layout toggle, one for normal play and the other for building
..then my controller died

Aiming looks odd. It probably would be better if the game actually had joystick sensitivity and deadzone; all of that jazz.

Aiming looks odd. It probably would be better if the game actually had joystick sensitivity and deadzone; all of that jazz.
It does.

The engine itself has controller support, the only problem is that it's not scripted in. This means it's possible for us to script controller support ourselves, and someone has done it before.

I stumbled across something similar yesterday, I was playing with an xbox one controller.

I used something called "JoyToKey" which allows me to bind each button/brown townogue stick to a certain mouse movement or keyboard key.

JoyToKey is available as a free trial, but its only $7. Download is here
I use 3 different profiles/configs for Blockland, one is standard playing, the other two are driving in a grounded-vehicle and another for flying planes etc.

If you do want to try this out, my configs are available to download here
You just need to put these in the main install directory wherever "JoyToKey.exe" is.

EDIT: You can fully customize the controller using this, for example my flying config, if you press the A button, it'll keep jumping until you press it again - this is really helpful with Vehicle Height Control.
You can also setup the sensitivity for the controller on each button, honestly its huge! From what I've seen, it's a great software, I'd highly recommend it.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 09:52:49 AM by BI0-Hazzard »

I did this with a Gamecube controller in 2014.

It worked great for moving around, but I wouldn't suggest it for building.

If I remember right, when I was testing it out I could barely move my camera around.  So I had to adjust the sensitivity in-script.
Code: [Select]
yaw(%rxaxis*20);//sensitivity adjustment
pitch(%ryaxis*20);//sensitivity adjustment

The issue with using something like joy2key is that you don't get sensitivity on movement, which makes it incredibly loving awkward. Having a 360 stick with varying intensity having you move in 8 directions always at full force is something that will always bother me and why I believe native controller support is always, always better than things like joy2key.

The issue with using something like joy2key is that you don't get sensitivity on movement, which makes it incredibly loving awkward. Having a 360 stick with varying intensity having you move in 8 directions always at full force is something that will always bother me and why I believe native controller support is always, always better than things like joy2key.

I understand that, however this has support for that, set the mouse movement to 1 or -1 depending on what way you want it to move, then you can specify a number for it to times by as the input increases.

Attached screenshot;

I understand that, however this has support for that, set the mouse movement to 1 or -1 depending on what way you want it to move, then you can specify a number for it to times by as the input increases.

Attached screenshot;
I understand that for mouse movement. I'm talking about WASD.

I understand that for mouse movement. I'm talking about WASD.
It deals with them quite well, I've managed to drive things quite well, the eight-point inputs are converted to 4 (with the option of converting back to the eight-point).

I don't really know how else to describe it, it's working quite well for me

It deals with them quite well, I've managed to drive things quite well, the eight-point inputs are converted to 4 (with the option of converting back to the eight-point).

I don't really know how else to describe it, it's working quite well for me
Of course it's working, you're able to have 8 directional movement. (W, WD, D, SD, S, SA, A, WA)
But one of the advantages of even using a controller is the ability to have 360 degree movement with the ability to move at varying speeds. This cannot be done with a program that converts controller input to kbm input. It also doesn't make sense to use a program like that when there's support in the engine already. Someone just needs to make a good add-on for it.