Author Topic: Each generation of children seem to get worse each time.  (Read 7697 times)

Before you click the following link, guess which time period this generation existed:
yay i guessed right

There is a video of this fat kid eating too much food in the house and the mom is like "I'm not going to punish him, he can't help it he's a growing boy."

The loving 13 year old is 250 pounds.

I'm 25 and only 140.
Blaming some parents for all parents is a very ignorant decision.

You don't know about good parents because there aren't any realty shows centered around them.

I, for one, can confirm that a good spanking could set a kid in shape.

I think the issue is just parents giving their child everything. The parent feels sorry for the child in some sort of way which encourages them to spoil their child, my grandparents and parents always tell me "Be grateful for the things you have because we didn't have them back in our time" which I understand but the problem is some parents are causing havoc by giving their child everything. What this does? it gives the child no discipline at all, sometimes in the park I will find a group of kids younger than me and they'll act their toughest towards certain people. If parents keep giving children what ever they want we'll go into a world full of laziness because most parents give their child a gift if the child gets high grades in school so if there is no sort of challenge then as in the purpose for why we are here, what is the point in life?

"Do not pray for a easy life, pray for strength to endure a difficult one" - Bruce Lee

money was not an issue in that family
Weather or not money was an issue, it's still losing money. Just because you have loads doesn't mean you can just shred it
« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 10:39:52 AM by Mouse droidz 21 »

so OP is essentially "I had stuffty parents so everyone else should have stuffty parents too"

so OP is essentially "I had stuffty parents so everyone else should have stuffty parents too"
why would spanking and yelling consider you a bad parent? yelling in the aspect to show authority, not as uncontrolled anger

Donnie Catch's behavior in this community is a shining example of why parents should physically discipline their children.

what did i even do in this topic

Ignore Donnies Catch. I believe he is beginning his antics.
Donnie Catch's behavior in this community is a shining example of why parents should physically discipline their children.
no srsly what is this trash, take it to my drama if you find my behavior troubling
« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 11:56:30 AM by Donnies Catch »

You guys are wrong about everything. The problem with kids these days is minecraft, there's no literally no other cause of the problem

i was at a private school for three years where there were a lot of spoiled poopoo heads and kids that need to be put in their place. they had paddling as a punishment and it was used fairly often

it did nothing. they were numb to it. this was a hard-ass, wood-ass paddle too. they didn't care. the act of violence itself isn't enough, you have to create an actual sense of discipline through construction over time. parents who aren't willing to do that will end up with kids that won't care. i don't think people need to be physically abused to know that they did something wrong, but refusing to discipline your child is a terrible idea through and through.

i think its more of a repeating cycle that takes so long to go around it seems like each generation is just getting worse and worse but then again we dont know what the future holds, there are so many major changes that took place over the past 20 years that haven't existed until 20 years ago

and each generation has its handicaps, i think it's just more obvious now because with technology they have more access to the world and have the ability to show it off and we see it more often as a result

but tony does have a point with the punishments
so OP is essentially "I had stuffty parents so everyone else should have stuffty parents too"
if you had parents who didnt punish you, you probably have stuffty parents who dont care

like my parents would beat my ass if i did something that was harmful to myself in order to train me not to do it.

with a young and inexperienced kid, just telling them not to do something can make them be like "pfft sure drinking bleach will kill me i'm gonna drink it just to see if it does!" vs "damn i really dont want my ass to burn so im just not going to do this because it probably will kill me if my parents are serious enough to beat my ass over it."

not that spanking always magically just works because it works, each child is different and parents should have the right to experiment and see what is most effective but just doing nothing because you're too much of a pusillanimous individual to temporally hurt your kid in order to save its life or are too loving lazy to raise your kid knowing that society will do it for you, youre a sickening parent
« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 12:04:12 PM by Lizzy »

so OP is essentially "I had stuffty parents so everyone else should have stuffty parents too"
What? Spanking makes you a stuffty parent?

I was spanked as a child and it woke me the forget up not to do stupid stuff. It's like burning your hand on the stove. It hurts but you learned not to touch the stove again didn't ya?

I'm fairly neutral on all of this but I was spanked as a child and didn't have any "emotional trauma" and I actually barely remember most of the times I was spanked.

Spanking doesn't make you a stuffty parent. My parents spanked me and I think my parents are pretty damn good parents.

im not against spanking i just like to discipline in different ways. apparently im cancer because of that though lmao

I'm fairly neutral on all of this but I was spanked as a child and didn't have any "emotional trauma" and I actually barely remember most of the times I was spanked.
yeah this. i think its supposed to be like you cant remember it anyways. if youre old enough to you probably shouldnt be spanked anymore haha
« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 12:10:22 PM by Donnies Catch »