Author Topic: Each generation of children seem to get worse each time.  (Read 7724 times)

who the hell wants to yell or hit their children...?

actually I agree with lord tony. children need to be disciplined with physical punishment. and I don't mean like slapping or punching but just a firm spankin in the rear end. that's how my parents disciplined me and it's not "traumatizing" it's a good lesson to learn.

who the hell wants to yell or hit their children...?

What would you do then to control a child?

actually I agree with lord tony. children need to be disciplined with physical punishment. and I don't mean like slapping or punching but just a firm spankin in the rear end. that's how my parents disciplined me and it's not "traumatizing" it's a good lesson to learn.

i never got results from my mother when i was older, but I've been disciplined when I was a very little kiddo, but that was only once and we both don't remember the reason anymore.
however, i feel like they should be rewarded for doing good. if my kiddo was to  study hard for their exams, which is stressful times, and scores well, ill be sure to make up for those stressful weeks with gifts or time out the house or w/e.
heck even if they got bad grades at least they studied, i wouldn't reward them as greatly but I sure as hell wouldn't be mean in any way.

id just like to mention that my view can be different as i was raised only by my mother for my entire life and she's also a best friend to me alongside of being my mother.

Parents don't want to treat their children like how their parents treated them so they get more lenient each generation.

It's a never ending trend during every generation even before the Reagan years.

there's no anger in physical discipline. in fact, it's harder on the parents than it is on the child hence the popular saying "this hurts me more than it hurts you." no parent wants to spank their child but they do it so the child can learn valuable lessons.

i have a friend who's parents were very on and off with spanking each of their children. he was spanked and so was his sister, but his oldest and youngest brothers were not spanked. his oldest brother lives a rebellious lifestyle while his younger brother screams and squeals when he doesn't get his way. keep in mind that my friend and his sister are the most self-disciplined out of the family and they were spanked as kids

keep in mind that my friend and his sister are the most self-disciplined out of the family and they were spanked as kids
see i could counter this because i'm the same but wasn't spanked? its not black and white like this

see i could counter this because i'm the same but wasn't spanked? its not black and white like this

But you are your best friend with your parent.

I try keeping my distance as possible.

It's not a lack of hitting them, it's a lack of serious punishment.
My parents are great people, but I don't really remember a time where I felt scared to forget up. I had to learn how to act based solely on public reaction, which is NOT fun.
These days it seems within any incident with a kid, the parents automatically assume the kid's innocence and blame anyone else because they can't admit that they're bad parents.

who the hell wants to yell or hit their children...?

have you even seen the little bitches of today? sometimes violence is the only answer, as much as i hate to say it. not like you're beating the stuff out of them anyways, just a corrective slap or something

Is it also technology?

I was told by my parents I wasn't allowed to use AOL or MSN.

Kids today now use Skype, facebook, kik, xbox messenger, playstation messaging, wii messaging, 434234 free apps available on the app/google store. No parent can keep track of all this stuff. 

my parents were a little too old to know what the internet had

in fact if they knew what blocklands community was like they wouldn't have bought it for me back 6 years ago

my parents were a little too old to know what the internet had

in fact if they knew what blocklands community was like they wouldn't have bought it for me back 6 years ago

My dad was one of the people who played original doom and Duke Nukem back in the 90s.

So it's not like he was oblivious of games, he also didn't care whatever game I played as long as it wasn't Leisure Suit Larry.

I turned out fine though.

Internet related stuff like chat rooms were off limits.