Author Topic: Bible Prophecy Overview  (Read 20389 times)

I believe science and forced cybernetic evolution is the only true path.

I believe science and forced cybernetic evolution is the only true path.
I never asked for this

"What ever happened to x rule" implies you want it to be enforced in this specific thread. Hence why I was asking if you meant that people should be banned for disagreeing with OP/goth/planr since nobody is actually being dismissive in a way that it's bannable
Well, that's not what I was implying, torins post was just rude

I believe science and forced cybernetic evolution is the only true path.

forget that's scary. Synths to the rescue

im a fan of the big crunch theory personally

"CORRECTION: A previous headline on this story suggested that Ballard believed he found evidence of Noah’s Ark. He only found evidence of the flood. "

what the forget is this source?  spiritual news?

did you even read this source?  it shows inconsistencies with the story and pretty much closes with "we will never know"

theres no actual first person account, source, or anything with this article

how can we even trust what hes saying is true?  seems to me the only proof here is a few pictures of a rock shaped in a peculiar way, and some lines drawn over it with some people standing around

"Perhaps the most significant find from the Ark itself is a piece of petrified wood. When this was first found it appeared to be a large beam. But upon closer examination it is actually three pieces of plank that have been laminated together with some kind of organic glue! This is the same technology used in modern plywood. Lamination makes the total strength of the wood much greater than the combined strength of the pieces. This suggests a knowledge of construction far beyond anything we knew existed in the ancient world."

you can find petrified wood anywhere, and whats truly baffling about this quote is the part about an "organic glue"

where the forget did he pull that out of his ass?  again, no evidence of anything

also how does this

become this

i'll tell you how:  it doesn't, because its bullstuff

Just because you find it hard to believe doesn't mean it didn't happen.
I already said I'm backing GSF in this topic, if you don't like that then you can forget off.

lol okay buddy

"dont like what i said?  then forget off"

you dont own the topic and you're not going to stop me from talking about what i believe

i almost feel inclined to say the same to you, something like "if you dont like me disproving your points then forget off"

I suggest if you have such a problem with it that you should just leave.
I appreciate the offer! I'll stay for now.
correct me if i'm wrong but, are you trying to make people angry at this point

torins post was just rude
i apologize if i offended planr or you or anyone else
i just thought what he said was pretty questionable but i shouldn't have been dismissive about it.

berating the person.
belief is harmless until it gets put into action

Us humans are more likely to become cybernetic creatures in order to survive. Anyone who is just a regular human will be viewed as a sub creature.

Damn stufflord you took way too much time to make me look bad

Everyone has their own beliefs and opinions. I can express mine how I please, as can you.
I'm just so sorry we can't see eye-to-eye

correct me if i'm wrong but, are you trying to make people angry at this point
Getting angry over a forum post is their own decision.

Us humans are more likely to become cybernetic creatures in order to survive. Anyone who is just a regular human will be viewed as a sub creature.
Reminds me of Gattaca. The genetically inferior will be janitors  o.O

It really is true that Christianity is the most hated religion...

...and this topic only further proves it, which further proves the bible correct.

nice ninja

if you dont care why do you keep replying like you do

he always has to have the last word

its really funny cause it can go on forever if he doesnt