Author Topic: Bible Prophecy Overview  (Read 20385 times)

he always has to have the last word

its really funny cause it can go on forever if he doesnt

This is true

im loving speechless at this point, i dont even know what to say

Reminds me of Gattaca. The genetically inferior will be janitors  o.O

Except Gattaca is a type 1 species.

In a type 2 species normal humans would be slaves to cyborgs.

Type 3 species can enslave entire galaxies.

goth man im just sayin bro u should prob just back out of this thread at this point cause your gettin nowhere

is goth trying his hardest to get banned at this point

im loving speechless at this point, i dont even know what to say

Have a :cookie: and chill the forget out m8

Except Gattaca is a type 1 species.

In a type 2 species normal humans would be slaves to cyborgs.

Type 3 species can enslave entire galaxies.
Tony, you're scaring me D:

Tony, you're scaring me D:

There is a reason Stephen Hawking said to not contact aliens.

Any species that is able to travel to earth is already millions of years more evolved than us. They would either see us as slaves or a threat.

A type 3 species is evolved enough to blow up our entire solar system.

A type 3 species is evolved enough to blow up our entire solar system.
Goku has entered the building (planet)

Goku has entered the building (planet)

Type 3 species is more like the Deathstar in starwars. Just bigger.

While it is possible that there is other hyper intelligent life out there, the odds that there is a type 3 species out there that poses a threat to us is far fetched.

Matthew 10:22
You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.
Matthew 10:14
If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

To my brothers in Christ, the reason this got nowhere is you all tried to speak in Christian-familliar terms to those who do not understand the context and what it means.  Furthermore, if you actually know the Bible, you would know that God acts and motivates through faith, not fear.  So GSF, thank you for sharing.  It was an interesting read, but saying this in a mostly agnostic and atheistic forum places further divide between God and man.

Matthew 10:14
If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

To my brothers in Christ, the reason this got nowhere is you all tried to speak in Christian-familliar terms to those who do not understand the context and what it means.  Furthermore, if you actually know the Bible, you would know that God acts and motivates through faith, not fear.  So GSF, thank you for sharing.  It was an interesting read, but saying this in a mostly agnostic and atheistic forum places further divide between God and man.
Goth77 =/= GSF?????

Goth77 =/= GSF?????
Doth thou even read?

To my brothers in Christ
you all tried to
Addressing both.  Ghost fearmongered and Goth was relentless.  I didn't see Planr as much as usual, but it would apply as well.

Doth thou even read?
Addressing both.  Ghost fearmongered and Goth was relentless.  I didn't see Planr as much as usual, but it would apply as well.
I did and the way you worded it confused me. Thanks for the helpfullness.

Also i wouldn't classify Ghost as "fearmongering"