Author Topic: What's the worst sound in the world?  (Read 2377 times)

-ear rape and heart attack warning-
I just found this video and it made me wonder if you guys could find any worse-sounding things that aren't just extremely loud.
There's also this.

my left ear really enjoyed the first one

A falling shepard's tone sounds really unsettling

nails on anything
nails on wood
nails on graphite
nails on nails

I sometimes piss off my family by digging forks into ceramic plates. It doesn't bother me but everyone else is practically falling over from cringing.

these infinite fractal things confuse me

blockland death sound

when people rub their fingernails on that one ssurface. like, you probably know what im talking about rihgt? it sounds like a disc or someone pulling their zipper up and down but the feeling of doing it and the noise makes me cringe so hard

2 pieces of styrofoam rubbing against eachother