Author Topic: New favorite console command (Image heavy)  (Read 1627 times)

Replacing buildconfetti(1); comes %bg = findClientByName("BlahBlahBlah").brickGroup; for(%i=0;%i<%bg.getCount();%i++){%bg.getObject(%i).setColor(getRandom(#,#));}

It is a very beautiful console command, have some images...

Sirrus Military Compound



Two Pirate Ships

Golden Gate Bridge

Sandcastle BW

The Bedroom

The Bedroom

ACM City

Afghanistan Extended

looks horrible. i love it.

edit: blocko seattle (large)
« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 03:43:56 PM by EcstaticEggplant »

how do you make it be random variations of green or pink etc?

how do you make it be random variations of green or pink etc?
change the 2 numbers to the specific numbers of you colourset, e.g 3,4

This should be an admin/host only command called /ClownVomit

it looks like it was glitched beyond repair

I guess that's what Mr Lol did in this glorious image