Author Topic: 10 Gun Edits + 10 More Gun Edits  (Read 15688 times)

nice signature
-your worst nightmare

nice signature
-your worst nightmare
Nice meme

parkour gamemode with no damage vertical, pull, and impulse guns?

can we just appreciate the amazing qualities of the rubber gun

i wanna make skins for these guns

can we just appreciate the amazing qualities of the rubber gun
Coolest gun ever. Didn't even know you could make items do things when you dropped them.

Anyways, I'll be using this for the Non-Euclidean map on SuperFPS, if I ever make it.
Yes, Non-Euclidean. Can't decide between CTF, TDM, or DM. It's going to be impossible geometry everywhere, thanks to doPlayerTeleport. Wonder if there's a way to teleport projectiles?
@Trogtor dooooooooo eeeeeeeeeet. I actually want to see what you make for these.
edit dumb advice removed im dum
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 08:39:12 PM by SuperSuit12 »

telegun. Spawns a bullet wherever you point and it travels straight away from the surface. (Shoot the floor, bullet goes up, shoot a wall, bullet goes to the other wall, shoot a ramp, bullet goes diagonally up, etc.)

telegun. Spawns a bullet wherever you point and it travels straight away from the surface. (Shoot the floor, bullet goes up, shoot a wall, bullet goes to the other wall, shoot a ramp, bullet goes diagonally up, etc.)
simple things please

telegun. Spawns a bullet wherever you point and it travels straight away from the surface. (Shoot the floor, bullet goes up, shoot a wall, bullet goes to the other wall, shoot a ramp, bullet goes diagonally up, etc.)
simple things please
Pretty simple!
You can add it to the OP if you want.
Feel free to use as a reference, especially the part where you don't need clones of the files for each and every one.
I could've done better by just making the regular gun a force required add-on but, I'm sure no one's modifying the particles and stuff anyway.

Edit: This thing would be harder to kill with than it was to make.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 01:43:43 PM by Shift Kitty »

im dry on ideas

make a gun that takes life to shoot but gives you double the health it takes to shoot back if you hit somebody, and gives full health back if you kill somebody

alternatively you could make a gun that does double the damage of a regular gun but can sometimes explode and kill yourself

Gun that inflicts tumble
A gun that fires jeeps that arc and ricochet but has a long cooldown
A gun that fires blockheads to shoot for you