
Is My friend being a pussy?

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128 (72.7%)

Total Members Voted: 178

Author Topic: I Smoked a Cigerette.  (Read 14304 times)

I smoke weed and vape constantly, but I will never touch a cig. Gross.

Oo real tough guy. Do you confront every person you see smoking on the street like that?
Only after I'm done confronting people about wearing animal fur on their coats
No, you wouldn't, let's be honest, you would probably turn your head because you wouldn't have the nerve. You need to chill the forget out.
Lmao obviously bud it's a joke

Only after I'm done confronting people about wearing animal fur on their coatsLmao obviously bud it's a joke
oh okay you just sounded serious

I smoke weed and vape constantly, but I will never touch a cig. Gross.


it woulsnt be illegal if I was of age, so why not?
"It wouldn't be illegal if" sort of invalidates youd argument

I have no interest in cigarettes and don't want to try one. I sell them to people though since I work the front register at Walgreens so I'm the only one in the store who can give access to the customers. I'd be more quick to smoke weed or vape some flavored smoke than try a cigarette.

I have never smoked anything before though.

holy loving stuff slayerz's richard shrivelled up like a loving raisin in this thread. guy seriously needs to take a chill pill, loving relax dude. like op is literally made a thread encouraging other people not to smoke and you're committing a somalian bottlecap reacharound maneuver on yourself over it. all he wanted to do was try it once because believe it or not some people arent content with sitting at a computer all day playing neopets or whatever.

A long time ago I made a promise to my friend that I'd try weed before he left the country as a sign of respect (he's a really awesome, chilled dude and he believes it's important that people at least try and see what happens).

A couple weeks ago my friend and I took a trip together out to the Blue Mountains, and sitting on the mountain itself in a really peaceful spot he handed me the blunt. Never smoked anything before so naturally I coughed and I didn't feel anything after that. Probably not gonna try again only because it's expensive as forget (I can get alcohol a lot cheaper).

A long time ago I made a promise to my friend that I'd try weed before he left the country as a sign of respect (he's a really awesome, chilled dude and he believes it's important that people at least try and see what happens).
A couple weeks ago my friend and I took a trip together out to the Blue Mountains, and sitting on the mountain itself in a really peaceful spot he handed me the blunt. Never smoked anything before so naturally I coughed and I didn't feel anything after that. Probably not gonna try again only because it's expensive as forget (I can get alcohol a lot cheaper).
Now get him to try oak leaves!!!11111

A long time ago I made a promise to my friend that I'd try weed before he left the country as a sign of respect (he's a really awesome, chilled dude and he believes it's important that people at least try and see what happens).

A couple weeks ago my friend and I took a trip together out to the Blue Mountains, and sitting on the mountain itself in a really peaceful spot he handed me the blunt. Never smoked anything before so naturally I coughed and I didn't feel anything after that. Probably not gonna try again only because it's expensive as forget (I can get alcohol a lot cheaper).

A lot of times, people don't feel a lot the first time. On top of that, if you only take like one tiny hit (where you probably coughed a stuffton too), you aren't going to feel much. If its stuff weed, you aren't going to feel much.

Yeah, I knew that going in. As I said, it was a token gesture of respect, but I don't care much for being high when I could just drink my way to a good night.

Yeah, I knew that going in. As I said, it was a token gesture of respect, but I don't care much for being high when I could just drink my way to a good night.

I don't much like the taste of most alcohol. I've been inebriated once and I didn't like that much either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯