Author Topic: C-Zech Chrome Ind: Autistic moron who really likes to use a thesaurus, Flaming.  (Read 30861 times)

Change doesn't happen in a day.
you'd think though that if you said you were gonna change, you'd remember to actually do it 6 minutes after announcing your intentions

Thank you for criticizing my appreciation for other people's drawing skills regardless of the content, and mocking my own drawing style.  (It is obviously very helpful.)  I do not have an OC, and I have come a very, very long way from my last drawings, I think they look rather childish now in comparison.  There was a reason I removed those links, on top of that I do not use my tumblr account.
i know this isnt directed toward me but im mostly concerned about the whole manifesto on your google plus and how it seemingly ties in on how your acting here rather than your art

there are literally thousands of drawings of mewtwo on deviantart, and he chose to favorite the loveualized one


gg me, I misread what he said, thought he said that he was GOING to change

Sorry about that.

the beef between the Harvest and rally really shouldn't be brought up here

Also rally should stop getting so pissy when he's obviously in the wrong herr

I don't have beef with the Harvest and I'm not wrong lmao. What the forget is this post

I don't have beef with the Harvest and I'm not wrong lmao. What the forget is this post

Depends on whether you made a critical remark about the Harvest or not.  If you did, It was probably unconsciously done.

I am going to leave these posts here:

My mother took elocution lessons when she was young, and used them frequently in the corporate world when she was working for companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Cisco, and others that I forgot.  Mainly administration and marketing roles, selling and programming software, high-tech medical equipment (the first MRI scanners, surgical laser equipment, antibacterial material surfaces, etc) My father, on the other hand, was an expert in metallurgy and jewelry making.  He was also a phenominal programmer, and constantly asked questions.  He became a lecturer in technology and the SQ4R learning method (before it was ever called that.  This is not to be confused with SQ3R.)  The proof is that he could examine and absorb textbooks one after the other, utilising his knowledge.  However, due to his death/murder (Sounds a little edgy, but there you go) when I was quite young, coupled with my mother's terminal systemic M.E. and fibromialgia, she cannot operate near to her peak capacity and cannot work, instead devoting her time into my education and wellbeing.  This means I am her permanent caretaker.

I will continue to speak eloquently and improve, so that this work does not go in vain.

(Just an explanation, don't take it as anything else.)

How the forget is anything of this supposed to explain why you can't speak like a normal human being and instead have to force yourself to be as posh as possible?

He grew up around formal language, so that's how he learned it. He'd rather not unlearn it just for the sake of sounding like a normal person.

That's what I was trying to say, thanks.

C-Zech sounds like hes the same guy in that one video of the fedora man wanting a zombie apocalypse and saying that he would make a house out of bodies and it was super cringy and stuff

C-Zech sounds like hes the same guy in that one video of the fedora man wanting a zombie apocalypse and saying that he would make a house out of bodies and it was super cringy and stuff

What about the whiskey and sunglasses?  :^)

i will be totally honest Z chrome's posts have already significantly improved. good on you z chrome

i will be totally honest Z chrome's posts have already significantly improved. good on you z chrome

It takes a lot of editing and tripple-checking.  Thank you.

It takes a lot of editing and tripple-checking.  Thank you.
um itss triple* also why do u do the double spacebar makes u look silly

just kidding ur doing good keep it up papa proud of u

um itss triple* also why do u do the double spacebar makes u look silly

just kidding ur doing good keep it up papa proud of u

Thank you, I'll definitely keep it up.

>mfw pertrified that I put in another p in triple
Double-spacebar was actually something I was taught a long, long time ago.  McJob told me it was outdated, but it's too much of a habit now.  -rip

holy loving stuff you guys literally took everything of his and made fun of it on the last few pages, you guys are real jackasses