Author Topic: Boomerangdog is dead.  (Read 2388 times)

This is Boomerangdog's father informing his favorite game that he has fallen sick to pneumonia, and will no longer be playing blockland due to his death. Usually people would get cured to this, but our family never knew about his pneumonia, because he was sick with tuberculosis at the same time. Whenever he started breathing fast and feeling tired very often, we knew. It was too late, because the doctor said he has had pneumonia for about 2 weeks.

His dedicated service will continue to be paid and is being passed onto his brother because he has started playing Blockland again. His ID is also being passed on to his brother.

I will continue to post on this topic to answer any questions for about 1 - 2 days, then I will leave it to continue to not be touched.

forget off grimlock's father

okay this is actually funny

holy stuff I'm so sorry

pass is the only person i know of who is able to die twice and get better afterwards
that being said nice jpeg

chem trails are being put into the air just like flouride in our drinking water
bush did 9/11 just like katrina did the fema camps
nasa is spraying you all with omega waves and im the only one not affected
forget me daddy