guys its story time!
So today at gym i was walking with my pals right
and blah blah blah whatever we're talking
and so idk how we came to this conversation but
one of the kids goes "Oh yeah I once did it with a guy", and we'RE ALL LIKE WHAAT
anyway so he goes on to say:
"Yeah so this girl i liked was in the hospital and i didnt have $$$ to see her
$50so i took it up the ass to get the money to see her
I was 16 and he was 18"
so yeah thats forgeted, but i come from the generation where
- A girl succed dicc in the boys bathroom in middle school
- and a girl had love with another in middle school
gonna put a poll up to see what you think he paid for it
you'll be surprised by the answer!
and you'll loving be ashamed of him.