Author Topic: April Fools 2016 death toll  (Read 4836 times)

It's probably a week or two ban then.

I believe research is perm. Although technically a pig taking a stuff is considered research to some people.
The rule doesn't specify research, it specifies 'gross stuff'.
That includes research, gore and excrement/bodily fluids.
It's also not limited to images/videos. Text describing the above can also be bannable.

The people who just posted giant walls of letters are the sort of people who do the same stuff on those public wordpads, and make them completely un-fun by writing it over your stuff.

i hope they all stay banned

except fred forgetstone he should come back

I wonder if this was a clever way of ridding the forums of the most annoying members by Badspot.

It's a wonder some of the things some people got away with this April, especially since someone got banned just for saying "king of page 200".

I wonder if this was a clever way of ridding the forums of the most annoying members by Badspot.
It probably was

I wonder if this was a clever way of ridding the forums of the most annoying members by Badspot.
nah man it was just a social experiment

a guy named licorice lad posted it a while back under the topic title "slide"
licorice lad made that a great day

It was a long war, but the evil Anon 4Chan Empire was held off.
weren't you the czechoslovakian chainricharder? you were part of it

Wait what did neventii and that block dude post to make them get banned?
I'm going to assume research

i was wondering who all got banned thanks tony

I wonder if this was a clever way of ridding the forums of the most annoying members by Badspot.
If it was, i really think more people would've been banned.

I wonder if this was a clever way of ridding the forums of the most annoying members by Badspot.
that is pretty clever

what better way to expose their true personalities than by making them anonymous