Author Topic: am I becoming a weeb  (Read 1911 times)

if you're obsessed with these you're on par with weebs
soviets count too

what the forget is with me liking scandinavia

are you unsure what qualifies someone to be a weeb

if you suspect you or a friend is becoming a weeb, check if

  • Has a waifu/Obsesses over a specific anime girl
  • Talks about anime a LOT
  • Speaks random sentences or phrases in Japanese
  • Wants to move to Japan for a reason in some way related to anime or manga
  • Owns a bodypillow
  • Odd abdomenal pains near the heart as the skin turns dark
  • Requires human sacrifice daily and tries to indoctrinate you into its culture
  • Openly admits to being a weeb

this is another another message from dolla damps non existent transgender son:

If I become a furry someone has to take me out

I leave everything in my will to the memelord if I die

am i becoming a weaponphile

i just ordered a yukine chris dakimakura and a 1/60 heavyarms kai EW off of to go along with my black lagoon and jormungand figures

please help me weaponphiles of blf

bet you cant shove a knife down ur richard

A weeb is someone who doesn't think anime is trash.

ey i've always wanted a karambit. pics please

ey i've always wanted a karambit. pics please
better this is one of the ones I'm getting:

if you want me to link you a cheap 13 dollar one that's looks the same and still works OK then ask

better this is one of the ones I'm getting:

if you want me to link you a cheap 13 dollar one that's looks the same and still works OK then ask

looks like something you get in cs:go for $250

looks like something you get in cs:go for $250
surprising I found out about karambits before I knew csgo

maybe I'm getting them nowbc csgo makes them look cool oml

honestly i wouldn't get a karambit because cs:go is making them look cool

just use it for defense if you can

don't show it to ur friends or u get a bad burglar robbin ur stuff

one of the many infections of the blf is finally spreading into damp