Author Topic: BlocklandBlockoCity's Butt Panic  (Read 41005 times)

you butter stop with those stuffty puns
Get off my ass about it stufflord

This isn't war games, take a break.

[takes a Pepsi and eats a Grilled cheese]

i will stop as soon as you stop.
Just move on. You're just going to get worse if you dwell on the past.
isnt this flaming?

Just move on. You're just going to get worse if you dwell on the

k. i stop.

[eats another grilled cheese]

but what can i do to stop being immature?

Your problems are not our problems, if you want a solution, take some time off the forums for some self reflection.

Your problems are not our problems, if you want a solution, take some time off the forums for some self reflection.

[eats a Big mac]

i handle what you say.

but what can i do to stop being immature?

only some users like you can help me, or worse, not.
really the biggest help would be to let time do its work. people mature over the years from acting like what they were (kids) to acting like a responsible person
for now, what you should do is make up your mind whether you want to call yourself a furry or not and, if you want to call yourself one, make sure you respect peoples wishes of not wanting to see that stuff everywhere

it would also help if you didn't play with bbcode a whole lot. if you look at the other posts on the forums in general no one uses giant text, color text, and not commonly small text. if people use small text it's usually a side note on the side of their regular posts

just take it easy, don't take things on here too seriously, and don't react badly to people's posts that you don't agree with

oh god
I feel bad for bumping this

honestly I think BBC stopped caring and now is just pretending to eat various thing.