Tobuscus accused of rape.


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Author Topic: Tobuscus accused of rape.  (Read 33319 times)

so what did you feel called out or sommin
I never participated on that specific subreddit and I only heard about it after the drama surrounding it, but I'm familiar with the concept from other sites. He brought up fatpeoplehate as an example of a problem community and I told him I disagree. I don't understand what point you're trying to make. I typed two short sentences on the matter and you're claiming I am being overly defensive.

I think it's disingenuous to say that these sites do not attract certain types of people over other sites. It can likely be attributed to the personalities of the people who take off and become popular as well as those of the moderation staff. Can you seriously say that tumblr and 4chan (or the *chan of your choice) share the same atmosphere and posting habits? They're both large scale websites where anyone can come and post whatever right?

yep totally ive been on that website for a year now and have never seen anything like what people always seem to talk about.

Considering you yourself are an SJW it's not at all surprising that you don't see "what people are talking about".

the problem with tumblr is that the whole personalized content stream stuff, while generally benevolent, allows those kind of reality-detached communities to form via conditioning some people to believe that the rest of the internet should be like their personal content stream while imbuning them with the self righteousness only a personal stream of content agreeing with someone can form or some bullstuff i dont have any sources. also the vast majority of tumblr is fine

Considering you yourself are an SJW it's not at all surprising that you don't see "what people are talking about".
yea im tooootally a SJW lmao

hey guys check out my SJW tirades

tumblr is only bad if you only look at the bad stuff tumblr has

i've been in tumblr for a few years and all i have on my dashboard is usually the normal stuff normal people/artists post.

like seriously tumblr itself is a good blog site (exception of PAYING for blog themes), it's just the obnoxious people use it to think it's a special place for special snowflakes like them

yea im tooootally a SJW lmao
didnt you flip stuff at the triggering

the problem with tumblr is that the whole personalized content stream stuff, etc
I can't really think of any big, popular social networking website that doesn't work like that. twitter, facebook, youtube, you pretty much only see what you want to see (unless you're specifically trying to find something wrong)

I think it's disingenuous to say that these sites do not attract certain types of people over other sites. It can likely be attributed to the personalities of the people who take off and become popular as well as those of the moderation staff. Can you seriously say that tumblr and 4chan (or the *chan of your choice) share the same atmosphere and posting habits? They're both large scale websites where anyone can come and post whatever right?
pretty true though, the site's reputation will obviously attract people that favor that environment. it's just not really anywhere and everywhere like people seem to think. it's pretty contained because the site doesn't ever promote content unless you tell it to (aside from ads). you can stay in your little box of tags as much as you want. if you go looking, it's pretty easy to find because all you have to do is search the relevant tag, but unless you follow that tag or follow someone that's like that, you will literally never see it.

Considering you yourself are an SJW it's not at all surprising that you don't see "what people are talking about".
it's pretty easy to spot this kind of stuff. i barely see anything political at all aside from some minor political blogs i follow and stuff my buds reblog. my dash is filled with art and stuffposts and i plan on keeping it that way

the problem with tumblr is that the whole personalized content stream stuff, while generally benevolent, allows those kind of reality-detached communities to form via conditioning some people to believe that the rest of the internet should be like their personal content stream while imbuning them with the self righteousness only a personal stream of content agreeing with someone can form or some bullstuff i dont have any sources. also the vast majority of tumblr is fine
yeah, this is a pretty big issue with the internet in general, it's really easy to only see what you want to see and that can warp a lot of people's world views. bonus points because literally anyone can post anything on the internet for people to see.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 05:39:38 PM by otto-san »

didnt you flip stuff at the triggering
i was loving with them on my twitter with satire posts in a skype call

How do you expect her to react to somebody telling her that her son is a junkie and a rapist
Do you believe that he actually raped her?

Do you believe that he actually raped her?
its unwise to throw an opinion out until legal action happens

its unwise to throw an opinion out until legal action happens
not really. Opinions can change easily based off events.

It's fine to say "I think ___" before the legal action but saying he did or didn't is dumb.

For some reason I think he isn't innocent.

When I first made my Tumblr I accidentallt followed a black power account. I logged in recently to find them complaining about how women didn't get enough credit in the Black Panther Party. Make what you will of that information.

i was loving with them on my twitter with satire posts in a skype call

We already went through this on the thread but it was pretty obvious that you were serious and when you got stuff on you started backpedaling like you are now.

There's also this on the same thread.
Oh and just a reminder that Donnies Catch is another mental case.

He's been banned on all of these alts (at least):
Toothed_Deer;u=48267 (note: furry)
Alex GShep;u=79580 (note: furry)
Toothed Deer;u=84323 (note: furry)
Folie à Deux;u=142841 (note: steven universe + serious tumblr screenshots)

it's pretty easy to spot this kind of stuff. i barely see anything political at all aside from some minor political blogs i follow and stuff my buds reblog. my dash is filled with art and stuffposts and i plan on keeping it that way

Probably, I know some people who only go on Tumblr for research and never see the political stuff. But honestly that's like saying 4chan is a nice and happy place because you only go on /g/