Author Topic: Feminists Celebrate loveually Transmitted Diseases!  (Read 5370 times)

when in doubt call them feminational socialists

tumblr feminists I call "tumblrinas/tumblrites"

extreme feminists I call "feminational socialists"

regular feminists I call "feminists"

lol you have no idea what you're talking about
where do you have a problem with what he said

where do you have a problem with what he said
all of it

lol you have no idea what you're talking about
Here we go, I'm smelling 70+ more pages.

Feminism has no place in modern America. The only things that women are treated unfairly in are trivial.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 11:58:03 AM by MoltenKitten »

Feminism has no place in the modern world. The only things that women are treated unfairly in are trivial.
The people in Saudi Arabia are struggling to pass a bill that would make a male raping his wife illegal.
Feminism most definitely has a place in the modern world. It's just not here in the US.

The people in Saudi Arabia are struggling to pass a bill that would make a male raping his wife illegal.
Feminism most definitely has a place in the modern world. It's just not here in the US.
Yeah I think that's what he meant but put 'world' accidentally.

Yeah I think that's what he meant but put 'world' accidentally.
Yeah this

horray for the minority represents majority fallacy that will ensue due to the original post

classic Path

Of course, Americans always gotta assume they are the world.

some issues:
equal pay
reproductive rights
workplace inequality
victim blaming (when you get accused for your own rape ex: "you shouldnt have worn that skirt then he wouldnt have raped you")

sure i get it that its annoying for someone to say "my ancestors didnt have rights and now you have to pay" i hate it when people tell me that too
but the us certainly does need feminism still some bratty girls take it too far and try to cut off every snake they find or use feminism as an excuse for attention but we do need feminism just not as much as we did 100 years ago
just dont confuse it with world domination like a lot of dumb chicks do (which pisses me off)

i understand feminism is needed greatly in the east but there are women in the us too

women already get equal pay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯