Author Topic: I got a TV show deal with Adult Swim.  (Read 36609 times)

I have a really good understanding of what to do with this show. If Adult Swim let's us, you combine Tony's sense of humor with my skills as a writer I think we can make some really great stoner comedy that AS is famous for.

Edit: I'm probably getting my hopes up but basically I'm practicing my pitch meeting lol

Episode 900: Kevin Spills the Beans

Scene 1

Mafia Drug Lord: Okay sir, we need to hide these good and awesome drugs that we have and must kill people to keep them.

Drug Hider Man: Okay, we will do it for no less than 2000 dollars. Cash.

Kevin enter stage left

Kevin: (spills soda on a mafia drug man)

Mafia Drug Lord: That was the signal

(Mafia Men and Drug Hider Men shoot bullets out of their guns at each other. Only one mafia man in a hoodie survives)

Hoodie Mafia Man: (pulls down hood, revealing it's Tony)

Tony: God loving whore splitting stuff hucking holy damn stuff Kevin. I told you to stay in the car with your soda.

Kevin: (chin retracts in neck. waddles out stage right)

End of Scene 1
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 04:54:03 PM by freshmin »

you guys need a fishtank with clownfish in it for a double reference

I legit believe in this idea. It's incredibly stupid, but in such a way that I can see a lot of potential in the idea.
this. the simplicity sets up so many different scenarios for these characters to get into. i wish i could be a part of this in a more constructive way since im a fan of adult swim and literally live and breathe in the culture they cater towards, but i dont have the time to prove myself lol

i really hope it gets picked up

mod-man's rock needs a cameo

If this seriously gets picked up, all of you I've worked with on creative stuff (like modman) should Tony and AS Execs allow it, I will gladly put in good words for you, especially if me and Tony get most creative control over the project.

you guys need a fishtank with clownfish in it for a double reference
"Damnit, Kevin, you spilled soda into the fish tank."
"I didn't spill in the fish tank, dad, I swear!"
"The water's orange, Kevin! Fish don't drink Fanta!"

"Damnit, Kevin, you spilled soda into the fish tank."
"I didn't spill in the fish tank, dad, I swear!"
"The water's orange, Kevin! Fish don't drink Fanta!"

It'd be funny if after that conversation Kevin's like "wait fish need water?" and its revealed he's been filling the tank with soda this whole time. The fish are just barely alive.

"kevin what are you snorting?"

It'd be funny if after that conversation Kevin's like "wait fish need water?" and its revealed he's been filling the tank with soda this whole time. The fish are just barely alive.
Or that the fish have evolved to survive in soda

It'd be funny if after that conversation Kevin's like "wait fish need water?" and its revealed he's been filling the tank with soda this whole time. The fish are just barely alive.
It was usually Sprite so Tony never noticed

I can't wait to watch the episode in which Kevin is getting his driver's license and spills soda on his instructor's lap.

I like how the whole gimmick about the soda is like, in contrast to how older sitcoms had catchphrases or established stuff.

Like Kevin spilling the soda is in essence Kramer walking in unannounced on Seinfeld. It just happens at least once an episode and its his "thing."

The canned laughter is gonna have to play a big role too.

The canned laughter is gonna have to play a big role too.
at least once it needs to play after a really bad pun and have a really long pause in the show for them to clap for at least 30 seconds

Other plot ideas involving soda spillage off the top of my head:

*When Tony and Kevin are visiting a graveyard, Kevin accidentally spills soda on someone's grave, starting a feud with the family visiting to pay respects.

*Kevin spills soda on his crotch at school, and must hide the embarrassing spillage in various ways until it dries.