Author Topic: SpeedKart Double Dash, because why not?  (Read 481 times)

Can someone make variants of the SpeedKarts (and preferably the SuperKarts too) with two seats?
If so, use the pack with the sounds. It's identical except for the fact they have proper engine noises, just go looking for it on the forums.

How about Superkart Double Dash?
Why is it everybody seems to have forgotten about Superkart? The gamemode isn't that bad.

didnt want this makeshift "2-seater" speedkart experimental vehicles to go to waste, have this if you want a what you call double dash or whatever

in this speedkart pack... there are unfortunately some changes to make it less-PAINFUL FOR ME TO TURN 90 DEGREES WITHOUT UNDERSTEERING INTO A WALL, there are also no sounds because they are extremely annoying and sound like turbocharged lawn mowers


no "super"karts because they lose control when you attempt "tight" turns ( that includes it being too low to the ground that it causes massive headaches when small 1x1fs happen to be in the way and you clip into it )
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 10:03:53 AM by Mac Workin »

How about Superkart Double Dash?
Why is it everybody seems to have forgotten about Superkart? The gamemode isn't that bad.
I did ask for teh SuperKarts too.

Also, Mac, you're using quotes incorrectly in the last line. Don't use them to mark adjectives or for emphasis. (you didn't use them for emphasis but it's one of the most common mis-uses.)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 03:22:06 PM by SuperSuit12 »