Author Topic: Getting graphics glitches randomly  (Read 1069 times)

Once I alt-tab the game goes back to normal, but sometimes my bricks keep becoming transparent and stuff.
Anyone know why this is happening?

How much vram do you have?
What is your GPU?

Maybe flushtexturcache(); would work?

How much vram do you have? 6092 MB
What is your GPU? AMD Radeon R9 200 Series

Maybe flushtexturcache(); would work?
NOEDIT: That seems to work for a little bit, before it starts glitching out again.

Disable Vertex Buffer Objects in the Advanced Options.

Disable Vertex Buffer Objects in the Advanced Options.
That worked. Thanks a lot.

Nope, the textures still seem to be flickering all over the place on some servers. Anyone have some more help?

Nope, the textures still seem to be flickering all over the place on some servers. Anyone have some more help?
have you checked to see if your video card is actually working properly?

used to happen to me when i overloaded my old computer's Intel graphics card/processor with too many things to render (youtube, blockland, 15+ chrome tabs, Spotify, try running less things in bg?