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Author Topic: DOOM Reboot  (Read 4021 times)

Release Date: May 13th, 2016
What is DOOM?
Doom is a game where you pay as a UAC Space Marine killing demons on Mars and preventing world destruction. This Doom is a reboot of the original which was released in 1993 and popularized FPS games.
DOOM Open Multiplayer Beta
« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 11:04:12 PM by Juliun03 »

why do every reboos have the same name as the original loving game its rebooting so people get confused

I hope it isn't just going to be another Call Of Duty like game where you just mindlessly shoot your opponents in multiplayer.

I hope it isn't just going to be another Call Of Duty like game where you just mindlessly shoot your opponents in multiplayer.
mindlessly shooting is doom

I feel like it isn't worth it to play the beta, should I?

why do every reboos have the same name as the original loving game its rebooting so people get confused

well technically the 1995 game is called Ultimate DooM

I hope it isn't just going to be another Call Of Duty like game where you just mindlessly shoot your opponents in multiplayer.
man i hope this fps isn't gonna be another fps

I hope it isn't just going to be another Call Of Duty like game where you just mindlessly shoot your opponents in multiplayer.
that's any shooter that isn't heavily team based

I don't enjoy the PC version but the console version is pretty fun

multiplayer is irredeemably stuff

certain affinity seems to have a certain affinity for making bad multiplayer shooters

single player will be decent at best, definitely not worth 60 bucks

I didn't get a chance to play multiplayer. Why is it stuff?