Author Topic: Apparently the high school I went to is putting in gender neutral bathrooms.  (Read 6786 times)

China or some other asian country even put in laws to not allow reincarnation anymore. lol
what does reincarnation have to do with genders

Also you can't make a concept illegal what the forget

I think people fail to realize that 99% of people have gender neutral bathrooms in their house. Gender neutral bathrooms are just unilove bathrooms. Nobody should have a problem with this. (especially if its the kind of bathroom where only one person uses it at a time)

I think the whole idea of gendered/loveed bathrooms is outdated anyway. They aren't accommodating to trans people and don't really make sense if you're doing it for loveual reasons (like if you dont want people loving in the bathroom, that doesnt really do anything about same love people)

China or some other asian country even put in laws to not allow reincarnation anymore. lol
Guess the hindus are outta luck
I think people fail to realize that 99% of people have gender neutral bathrooms in their house. Gender neutral bathrooms are just unilove bathrooms. Nobody should have a problem with this. (especially if its the kind of bathroom where only one person uses it at a time)

I think the whole idea of gendered/loveed bathrooms is outdated anyway. They aren't accommodating to trans people and don't really make sense if you're doing it for loveual reasons (like if you dont want people loving in the bathroom, that doesnt really do anything about same love people)
Do you remember when you were 13 cuz I remember when I was

the most profitable way to lower population is for resources

soylent green, anyone?
its people!!!111

nice, my old school did the same, progressivity is awesome

I think people fail to realize that 99% of people have gender neutral bathrooms in their house.
i don't have strangers walking in and out of my house bathroom. that really isnt relevant

says me dipstuff
It's physically impossible

i don't have strangers walking in and out of my bathroom i use in private.
good thing public bathrooms have stalls then

good thing public bathrooms have stalls then
Gotta love them private rooms

i don't have strangers walking in and out of my house bathroom. that really isnt relevant
I assume you don't have two separate bathrooms for men and women in your house. Is that relevant?

Gender neutral bathrooms are just unilove bathrooms. Nobody should have a problem with this.

It's not enough, they literally want a bathroom that caters to their specific gender.




M 2 F

F 2 M














good thing public bathrooms have stalls then
In most public schools, you'd be lucky if the locks even WORK

In my entire school, there's only like 6 stalls that actually have working locks, the rest are either broken or just don't meet up properly

This is how many bathrooms each loving business needs now.