
Who was in the wrong?

39 (49.4%)
40 (50.6%)

Total Members Voted: 79

Author Topic: So my girlfriend broke up with me, Adult Swim has spoken.  (Read 45971 times)

You're making loving excuses right now. She shouldn't feel sorry for the feelings that you caused her to feel

She caused herself to feel those feelings when her body decided to over react in such a way.

She already told me she has self esteem issues, issues that were there before I dated her. She needs to see counseling.

She caused herself to feel those feelings when her body decided to over act in such a way. its not your fault if your body involuntarily excretes chemicals. You don't cause your body to do its natural processes; it just happens

She already told me she has self esteem issues, issues that were there before I dated her. She needs to see counseling. if you're the cause of said issues maybe she should also see couples counseling too. Otherwise, if they were there before you dated her, it shouldn't really affect your relationship at all. You telling a joke in bad taste and offending her in the process isn't an 'issue' she had 'before you dated her'

She caused herself to feel those feelings when her body decided to over act in such a way.

She already told me she has self esteem issues, issues that were there before I dated her. She needs to see counseling.

im gonna try and talk like i pretend im smart so you can understand me

you do realize to spark such a feeling that there has to be a starting point? you were that starting point, and a chain reaction happened in which all this drama happened

so, in short, its all your fault.

Her past relationships were the starting point and she never let go of them so she takes all her problems out on me.

Unless you dated a girl with self esteem problems you wouldn't know on this issue.

Her past relationships were the starting point and she never let go of them so she takes all her problems out on me.

Unless you dated a girl with self esteem problems you wouldn't know on this issue.
So you knew your girlfriend had self-esteem issues yet you continued to make poor-tasting jokes and belittled her and her feelings as much as possible what the actual forget is even going on in my life why am I having to even say this in writing what the forget




If you want to draw in the whole spacetime and universe bullstuff, picture this:

Your impact on the universe is minimal, almost infinitesimally small.  Therefore, in reverse, of all that goes on in the universe, the scale of what happens within it does not concern you to any level to even bother.  Within the frame of reference of the universe, it doesn't matter.  However, within the frame of reference of a mortal life, what things the universe would consider negligible can be considered critical within the frame of reference of this mortal life.

So why concern yourself with the universe?  It should only matter to you by how much impact you can have on it, which is virtually nothing.

If you get shot and killed, the universe carries on without consequence.  If half of the human race is wiped out by a super disease, the universe carries on without consequence.  If an entire galaxy far away were to suddenly vanish, the universe would carry on without consequence.  This leads me to conclude that you spout fallacious bullstuff for your own personal moral convenience, since your relationship with the universe cannot be mutual to any considerable degree.

However, if you are shot and killed within this mortal life, you are the most affected, then those unfortunate enough to care for you, then those who are acquainted with you, and then those who don't know you and just know that some man died.  If your parents were both killed 20 years ago, your mortal life now would be vastly different.  The universe would not.  So stop talking about the universe, because it doesn't concern us.  What you are doing is similar in nature to totaling someone's car, but rather than sorting it out, you immediately walk a thousand miles away to pinpoint a specific highly desired anthill determined at the point of the car wreck, and then proceed to eat the ants out of the anthill because you considered your nutrition when you got in the car wreck was vastly more important than dealing with a car wreck that you caused.  In reality, the anthill wouldn't mean stuff to anyone but yourself.  Eating some ants would not contribute to your nutritional needs in comparison to the lengths that you go to in order to avoid the larger problem.  They just see that some starfish is determined to cater to their insignificant and fictitious problems which happen to be convenient for you since it dodges the responsibility of loving someone's life up or significantly setting them back.

And you know what?  No matter what you say about the universe, I'm sure it's just a convenient device to have no moral obligations toward others.  It's to your benefit that you continue to believe it, and it's where it enters the subjective frame of mind.  It's no "objective universe", Tony.  Everyone has their subjective mindset just like you.  And you seem very keen on protecting it.  But guess what?  It may come as a surprise that everyone wants to protect their subjective mindset.  If you really value the universe and what it thinks about everyone, it treats everyone equally.  Why it seems to me that you think that you're a special exception is beyond me.

I know you crave attention.  I don't care if you get the best climax of your loving life to this thrilling ride of attention you'll get in this post.  It's pointless if you try to argue, because any resistance would be reinforcing the claim that your petty excuses are a means of convenience.

Her past relationships were the starting point and she never let go of them so she takes all her problems out on me.
Unless you dated a girl with self esteem problems you wouldn't know on this issue.

ayy lmaO IT lOrd tOny and i dont care about my girlfriends past, get harvested!

ITT: Tony thinks his demeanor is impenetrable. Path doesn't know when to stop.

Path doesn't know when to stop.
I just don't know what to even say anymore I've never seen such rock solid ego before in my life

It's giving me some kind of existential crCIA Jesus forget

I've been falling for bait by some 20-something sociopath on the loving internet what am I even doing on this planet
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 03:33:58 AM by Path »

On the bright side to being single I still have the dominatrix that is still interested in me and now I can do whatever I want with her without my girlfriend getting jealous about it.

On the bright side to being single I still have the dominatrix that is still interested in me and now I can do whatever I want with her without my girlfriend getting jealous about it.
post videos of you getting pegged by her

post videos of you getting pegged by her

She did say she wants to make videos and sell them.

She did say she wants to make videos and sell them.
One and a Half Tony's: Dominated

One and a Half Tony's: Dominated

I don't know if we can do rated XXX shows.