
Who's the best?


Author Topic: What's the best minority? [ASAINS VS. I HATE ALL MINORITIES] [POLL]  (Read 3308 times)

Mexicans have better food and are less likely to shoot me.

Mexicans have better food and are less likely to shoot me.
you clearly haven't tried Caribbean food

Also we'll only shoot you if you provoke us first

Mexicans have better food and are less likely to shoot me.
The Cartel would like a word with you

Mexicans clogged my ass with their "food" on more than one occasion but they aren't black so they got my vote

mexicans can be attractive


The homies shall rule the streets

i live in california so mexicans are all i know

Black people are funny and easy to be with.

congratulations mexico you win round 1

round 2

Asians make good food and entertainment while Muslims make bomb-ass halal

Gah is there an all of the above

asians are pretty cool but i gotta admit i wouldn't mind joining in on some dank ass jihad every now and then

ok which of you towel heads voted for muslims