Author Topic: PM harassment by NotBomberguy.  (Read 5455 times)

Place in signature
I don't know how to prove this is a thing. I suppose I could post screenshots of it in my profile. I got this as a PM. The sole purpose of this is harassment and telling me how stupid I am. This wasn't necessary, wasn't helpful, it was just plain rude. Anyone who tries to defend this or anything else saying how stupid I am for making the Trymos thread: Read the rules, there's one against flaming (Seven, I believe). To paraphrase it, if your post is to call someone stupid, don't.
Maybe look at the account it's hosted on, if you can do that on imgur? I'll do anything you ask to prove it (within reason, I'm not giving out my password or anything like that.)

Yes, I was stupid to post that thread, mainly because it invited everyone to call me stupid for doing so. That doesn't mean you need to call me stupid. He went out of his way to do this, made this image and posted it on imgur, then PM'd it to me, just to call me stupid in an elaborate way.

this wasn't really needed to be made at all
just because it's a PM really doesn't change anything

It's still flaming, and he went out of his way to make an image to insult me.
He also asked me to place it in my signature, by doing so making me insult myself.

this wasn't really needed to be made at all
just because it's a PM really doesn't change anything
It's pretty pathetic to be PM'ing people abuse.

It's pretty pathetic to be PM'ing people abuse.

it is, but an entire thread?

It's still flaming, and he went out of his way to make an image to insult me.
He also asked me to place it in my signature, by doing so making me insult myself.

i actually didn't see that last part, how interesting

Your still going on about this "Trymos" guy and kick him for advertising. Your now complaining about how we're being a huge richard to you and you still haven't learned that the Blockland forum can be cancerous. Congratulations. I honestly think you need to calm down and not make 1 drama about 1 person like it's a huge deal. I don't know why your doing this.

Was this the only pm? Because if it's just this one im not sure if this is really that big of a deal for a whole thread.

it is, but an entire thread?
Threads don't cost anything and they're not a big effort to make.

whats your point? 3 threads isnt a lot
in the drama section, you shouldn't make this many threads in a short period of time

I'm just saying he seems a bit drama-happy

I was also called stupid by that guy.


hes not helping aynthing with this..

in the drama section, you shouldn't make this many threads in a short period of time
disagree, theres nothing wrong with making several drama topics, as long as theyre not stuffposts. ive seen it plenty of times over the years

i didnt know bomberguy had the ability to harvest people

you need to chill the forget out dude; stop crying wolf.