Author Topic: We get it, I want to kill children in videogames.  (Read 17971 times)

lol having children is living life to the fullest?

So you should be able to do what you want?

Hopefully he'll realize how a moral compass helped make his life beautiful.

I have morals.

If I went down to loving pakistan where underage love is legal I still wouldn't do it.

But laws vary from region to region, there is no such stuff as worldwide laws. Law and morality is two different things.

lol having children is living life to the fullest?

Some people see it as that lol.

In reality people only want children because it's in their instinctive nature to reproduce and pass on genes. There are 9 billion people on the world, we don't need more.

That's not lines of code.

That's a virtual photo that uses textures from .png or .jpeg.
Address this point, since it's worded better.
Another thing: You say child murder is perfectly fine in a video game since they aren't real. So are you also saying that child love could be perfectly fine in a video game since they aren't real either? You really have no moral compass in video games so it sounds like you wouldn't mind doing such a thing. How about child torture? I mean, they're just lines of code, right?
The child models in the games are just code, so presumably you would be fine with mods or games that let you have love with them, as they're not real children, they're just lines of code and models.

Eitherway loli is not real and the FBI can't arrest you for looking at loli research. If anything they approve of it as long as it keeps you from looking at the real thing.
That's not a view on loli research that people or governments have. It's not good for paedophiles, because it's more likely to encourage them to seek out real-life images of the same content, or to approach children themselves.
One day, Lord Tony might grow old and have a couple children and grandchildren
I hope not.

The child models in the games are just code, so presumably you would be fine with mods or games that let you have love with them, as they're not real children, they're just lines of code and models.

I have no strong feeling one way or the other.

As long as it's not a real child I don't care what people do to the child in their spare time on that videogame.

I wouldn't forget a child in a videogame but I don't see the need to judge people for it.

One day, Lord Tony might grow old and have a couple children and grandchildren

and you'll probably still be angry about his posts on the internet

I have morals.

If I went down to loving pakistan where underage love is legal I still wouldn't do it.

But laws vary from region to region, there is no such stuff as worldwide laws. Law and morality is two different things.

Some people see it as that lol.

In reality people only want children because it's in their instinctive nature to reproduce and pass on genes. There are 9 billion people on the world, we don't need more.

But if something is legal in some remote place and someone doesn't see it as immoral even though it is, such as killing someone for no reason, it's ok?

But if something is legal in some remote place and someone doesn't see it as immoral even though it is, such as killing someone for no reason, it's ok?

You kill people in videogames, why?

Isn't killing people immoral? Shouldn't that also affect your roleplaying skills in a videogame?

You kill people in videogames, why?

Isn't killing people immoral? Shouldn't that also affect your roleplaying skills in a videogame?
It's not immoral to kill people if they are trying to kill you or a bunch of innocents. Video games are supposed to be immersive and I only kill people who are trying to kill me or try to kill innocents.

It's not immoral to kill people if they are trying to kill you or a bunch of innocents. Video games are supposed to be immersive and I only kill people who are trying to kill me or try to kill innocents.

It's called "roleplay" and if you are trying to roleplay as what you would normally do in real life then that's boring.

If I want to roleplay in a videogame as an evil person then that's my business.

It's called "roleplay" and if you are trying to roleplay as what you would normally do in real life then that's boring.

If I want to roleplay in a videogame as an evil person then that's my business.
Roleplay is for stuff you wish you could do but can't. What I am getting here is you want to be a psychotic child enthusiast who dismembers his victims.

Roleplay is for stuff you wish you could do but can't. What I am getting here is you want to be a psychotic child enthusiast who dismembers his victims.

Excuse me, Moltenkitty. I've played as a normal good law abiding citizen in videogames. It's boring.

Yeah I spent like 5 hours obeying every traffic rule in GTA and made sure not to kill anyone. It's boring.

So excuse me if I want some fun out of my videogame. After all I know it's not real.

I don't even know where you got the child enthusiast part from. You're the one who keeps making this about child love.

I'm just telling you I wouldn't do such stuff but I don't see anything wrong with it in a videogame because it's not real life.

If I want to roleplay in a videogame as an evil person then that's my business.
Fair enough, but you actively complain that you can't murder children in Fallout 4.
And, considering some of the things you've previously said, you seem to think that Bethesda both should and will update the game to let you kill children just because you complained about it on the internet.

Fair enough, but you actively complain that you can't murder children in Fallout 4.

You could murder children in Fallout 1 and 2.

Fallout 4? Oh no, now it's bad.

It's a post apocalyptic environment. Excuse me when I want to feel horrified watching a deathclaw kill a child instead of laughing because the deathclaw can't even harm it. lol

You could murder children in Fallout 1 and 2.

Fallout 4? Oh no, now it's bad.

It's a post apocalyptic environment. Excuse me when I want to feel horrified watching a deathclaw kill a child instead of laughing because the deathclaw can't even harm it. lol
Fallout 1 and 2 aren't meant to be immersive, it is meant to be more like a game of chess.