Author Topic: Moto X "missed alarm" bullstuff  (Read 2542 times)

I've never had my iPhone alarm not go off and I use it nearly everyday.

i had an issue once where my alarm flat out made no sound. i just restarted my phone and it worked again

Do you have the "Moto" app installed? If you have the sleeping assist on, it will completely silence your phone during the set time period.

Moto Assist sleeping time is set between 11pm and 7am and the alarms were at 8:30 and 9:00

my alarm (galaxy s5) does the same thing
i have 5 alarms and half of them dont even go off.......................

They do go off but you probably slept through them

Lol @ everyone complaining that Android alarms don't work.

b cus mein doooooo

Try not using a motorola next time.
on the bright side, my nexus 5 with android without bloatware (since it's google's lol) works fine for alarms

the only issue with alarm's that I've had is it didn't go because I fell asleep before I charged it, or I turned off the alarm and rolled over

They do go off but you probably slept through them
they didn't go off lol

i have a moto g and mine always go off

y'all need to just stop using andriod alarms

buy a regular alarm clock lol. never fails

I have a first-gen Moto X and my alarms always go off

I think there were rare occasions where they didn't on my older HTC phone, though.

gentle alarm's a good one that hasn't failed me yet
unless it's like phone-specific or some stuff idk
« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 05:37:27 PM by gr8dayseth »

I have a Samsung S5, and previously am S4. Never had an issue with this.
same, no issues on my galaxy s2 and s4. i also have alarms set on my watch; previously i had beeping alarms on my timex watches, but then i switched to a fitbit and just have vibration alarms. the vibration alarms don't wake me, i just use them for when i'm dozing off after my phone alarms went off.