Author Topic: Borpo Grongus being a badmin  (Read 6230 times)

So, today I was on this kid's server who's name is Borpo Grongus. He saw me and banned me for the reason "Hacking". I then figured out that it was my funkyshirt and hatswitcher. So, I went back on with my alt. It turns out that he's a very bad badmin. I saw him ban 2 people for no absolute reason. I asked him to unban me but he refused and made an excuse that he "couldn't" find my name under the unban list. I asked for admin so I can unban myself, but no. Instead, his friend, tsym says "DON'T TRUST HIM" and then you know what Borpo did? He ignored me. Yep, he loving ignored me. See I go on servers with 7 year olds that are admins and actually KNOW what they're doing. But this kid is a loving richard. He banned me for the reason "hacking". Then, I go onto my alt and ask him to unban me, he makes an excuse, and this is where we get.

This kid is a loving savage...

Oh hey it's you

This guy is one of the 99% of kid admins with no skill


If you were using funkyshirt and random hat mod i'd ban you too.

Oh hey it's you

This guy is one of the 99% of kid admins with no skill


If you were using funkyshirt and random hat mod i'd ban you too.
I understand that it lags servers, but that wasn't the reason why he banned me. I was "hacking".

I understand that it lags servers, but that wasn't the reason why he banned me. I was "hacking".
Have you considered that maybe he actually thought you were hacking and isn't an abusive admin ?

Have you considered that maybe he actually thought you were hacking and isn't an abusive admin ?
Is anybody really that stupid though?

Have you considered that maybe he actually thought you were hacking and isn't an abusive admin ?
Yes, he thought I was hacking. But, I got on my alt and explained how i wasnt "hacking". He made an excuse that he "couldn't" find me in the unban list when I asked for an unban.

dont do this
you have a lenny face as your avatar image don't tell him what and what not to say

now we are seeing alot of "boner threads" great this is the new Grey Gum's fort wars drama chain