
The bears

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Author Topic: Doesn't space seem a little too "odd" to you.  (Read 8266 times)

i believe in a god who cares for me personally as well as some kind of afterlife so I'm not very worried

i believe in a god who cares for me personally as well as some kind of afterlife so I'm not very worried

If you studied anything about space it's safe to say god doesn't exist.

If you studied anything about space it's safe to say god doesn't exist.

Isn't it funny how god was everywhere before technology was available and now that we have all this technology to prove he exist the only "proof" of god we have today is an image of jesus christ on some toast.

B-b-b-but what about nature!1!!1!

He's not wrong
only superficial images of god are negated by study

here comes religion
Here's that parachute

Hatch is on the left

only superficial images of god are negated by study
Well what isn't superficial then

The only reason that dying instantly should be scary is that you will not have had time to get your affairs in order. Instant death is painless and pointless to contemplate unless there's actually a way to survive.
Reality is what we define it to be, and if you're not going to define it as anything then what's the point of dismissing a currently functional definition of it?

If you studied anything about space it's safe to say god doesn't exist.
I really can't tell if you're serious anymore

religion cannot be proved (or is it???) or disproved so any arguments about it sucks balls and doesn't matter

religion cannot be proved (or is it???) or disproved so any arguments about it sucks balls and doesn't matter
have you never heard of a "religious proof"

have you never heard of a "religious proof"
What is that anyway

What is that anyway
Cosmological-ontological argument (COA)
1. Everything must have a cause.
2. The fact that my idea of God
represents an infinitely perfect being
must have a cause which is infinitely
3. I am not infinitely perfect.
C0. Therefore, I could not have an idea
representing an infinitely perfect being if
there were no such being outside of me.
4. I have an idea of God which
represents him as an infinitely perfect
5. I could not have such an idea, if there
were no infinitely perfect being
outside of me. (C0)
C1. Therefore, an infinitely perfect being,
i.e., God, exists outside of me.

space is a conspiracy created by the illuminati satanist lizard people and the moon is just a hologram #flatearthsociety