Author Topic: Big hero's six good or bad??  (Read 972 times)

There was a Half-Life reference in it so I'd give it a solid 3/3

I guess it's to do with how a scene played out that's similar to Half Life's scene with the xen crystal

I don't remember it though
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 11:31:08 PM by Masterlegodude »

I loved it, but I had someone telling me it was terrible because it "shoehorned depression" into a kid's movie

As far as I could tell it was a by-the-numbers superhero movie with a hamfisted message of "dont be violent". It was kinda fun but it was really preachy. If you're in it for the characters, beyond the fluffy robot dude and the main kid nobody else is really interesting or developed whatsoever

I liked it but idk what's up with the san fransokyo thing
big hero six comics took place in tokyo. I don't get why they changed it to a weird fictional mashup of tokyo and san francisco

I liked it but idk what's up with the san fransokyo thing
big hero six comics took place in tokyo. I don't get why they changed it to a weird fictional mashup of tokyo and san francisco
more relatable to american audiences maybe?
it is a pretty neat concept though

It's not bad, it feels fresh with the setting of Fransokyo, but it's underwhelming unless it's your first superhero movie.

You may lose suspension of disbelief in the second act.