Author Topic: my school is makin headlines y'all  (Read 2134 times)

and it's for all the wrong reasons

so long story short (i've posted about it a bit), a bunch of seniors from my school decided to have a senior prank after baccalaureate. the original plan was for 5 seniors to fill styrofoam cups with water and spell "2016", but they never got to do that.

instead, half of the graduating class (the original number was 41, then it went to 37 after 5 students were let off the hook, and our local paper now says 34) broke into the school and vandalized it. they wrote all over the brick in chalk (indoor and outdoor), spraypainted the walls of the dean's office, pissed all over a teacher' classroom, released boxes of crickets in the school, sprayed the security cameras and bathrooms with silly string, flipped furniture, threw cereal and peppers down the hallway, and supposedly stuff in the floors. they came in wearing masks and flipped off the cameras, screaming "forget osceola, forget this school, forget this stuff" the whole time. 5 of the seniors stayed to clean up the mess so that we could have class on monday. charges were pressed, suspensions were issued, and the participants are banned from walking at graduation and have likely lost their scholarships.

but now there's a bit of a division going on. the parents of the participants, the participants themselves, and the majority of the 9th and 10th graders believe it was a little prank and the school is going too far with the punishment they're issuing. the rest see the school as completely in the right for punishing the students.

regardless, it's created a stir on facebook. the 40 seniors protested at school, at the courthouse, and in a kfc parking lot until the local/regional news came out to interview them. and now that their story is out, it's spreading everywhere:
here's a video showing what the school looked like:

i find it ridiculous that the seniors want to keep denying what happened even though there are tons of brand new cameras at my school. there's literally a second-by-second list of who was where and what they were doing that night. they have screenshots and video evidence showing what the seniors did.

it's kind of surreal that my little school would make such big news like this. what's y'alls thoughts?

p.s. pray i don't get killed by protests tomorrow night bc i have to take pictures at graduation. i can't fight y'all

Isn't the whole point of a good prank that it leaves behind no real lasting damage? Idk what they expected and I don't know how parents can defend this. They didn't just break school rules, but the law as well and they're lucky they aren't being referred to law enforcement. Paint and piss alone are easily upward of 1k of damage and if this happened at my school, the students that did it would probably have to pay to fix it and would be thrown out.

the Blockland forums will have a memorial service setup. what time would you like it to be arranged

it's like they have no understanding to what consequences are.

i remember last year for senior skip day all the seniors went to ihop and they all dined and dashed and the school had to pay for it

this resulted into seniors this year (which means me) not being able to do senior skip day

Isn't the whole point of a good prank that it leaves behind no real lasting damage? Idk what they expected and I don't know how parents can defend this. They didn't just break school rules, but the law as well and they're lucky they aren't being referred to law enforcement. Paint and piss alone are easily upward of 1k of damage and if this happened at my school, the students that did it would probably have to pay to fix it and would be thrown out.
here at my school, if you make a student mad they'll just bring their parent up to scream at the principal until they get their way. they think their parents can get them out of everything.

it's like they have no understanding to what consequences are.
Conseq- what? What's this baloney you're talking about?

the thing I hate about """pranks""" like this is that these aren't pranks at all. like, what is the joke. what is the punchline. what is the gripping social commentary behind literally vandalizing and defacing a high school

here at my school, if you make a student mad they'll just bring their parent up to scream at the principal until they get their way. they think their parents can get them out of everything.
how the hell are students supposed to learn accountability if their parents sure as hell aren't teaching it to them and the school folds the second a parent comes in?

IMO the students that wrecked the school should be held accountable in some way that will teach them that there are consequences to being an idiot with no regard for the property of others. My school suspended three students for coming on school grounds in the middle of a Saturday night and trying to break in. I can't fathom how students causing thousands of dollars in property damage can try to justify arguing that they should be absolved of any and all guilt.

Conseq- what? What's this baloney you're talking about?
they do all that stuff and they protest about their punishment.

how the hell are students supposed to learn accountability if their parents sure as hell aren't teaching it to them and the school folds the second a parent comes in?
that's why my school has such a discipline problem. none of the students respect authority because the school has typically been a pushover.

i'm hoping that the school sticks to its decision this time, though. the seniors deserve to be punished.

that's why my school has such a discipline problem. none of the students respect authority because the school has typically been a pushover.

i'm hoping that the school sticks to its decision this time, though. the seniors deserve to be punished.
speaking from the perspective of a graduating senior, forget stuffheads that make the rest of us look bad. That being said, my school is very small and has some colorful characters, but most of the students are great. There are a few that have done things similar to that but none on that scale, and they do nothing but make everyone mad and make the other seniors look bad because we then get generalized/lumped in with a few dumb people.

every year the seniors tp the highschool up and the first month of school is halfway dedicated to cleaning it up

i was adjusting some classes first day and some guy was in the office with me, we both thouht it was pretty dumb (and even dumber to sit, in a group, in a pickup truck next to the school watching the cleanup)

Oh jeez this is your school? i heard about this last night.

every year the seniors tp the highschool up and the first month of school is halfway dedicated to cleaning it up
they wait the whole summer to start cleaning it??