Author Topic: My social anxiety has come to a new level (blogland)  (Read 3268 times)

If the way you act on this forums is anything like how you act in real life, I can see why you're a hard person to be around. You're self important, unstable, and attention-seeking.
Suprisingly enough, irl I dont like being the center of attention. No wait, I hate it. It makes me uncomfortable af. At first I try to go with it or whatever but after a while I make up a some excuse to get out of it.
I hate putting up a fake smile to people im forced to talk to and dont even know
I hate lying about my interests because im scared they wont accept me or whatever
I hate social interactivity in general because I just cant do it.
The only people I can be comfortable with is my near family and my closest friends and you, this forum. I keep coming back to this place and I have no idea why. I enjoy interacting with other people here because it doesnt make me nervous, uncomfortable, anxious. But whatever reply I get back, be it positive or negative. I enjoy it.
I hate being forced to be social, but im also scared
Im scared I wont get a future because I just cant be social
Im scared I cant get a decent job because im always nervous
Im scared I will end up on the street
Im scared I will be denied on on here...

The self loathing wont get you anywhere bud.
You suffer from low self esteem and insecurity, symptoms of living off other people's expectations, your own belief that everyone cares even remotely about your perceived shortcomings is your downfall. The truth of the matter is they aren't thinking about you at all, I know you keep hearing them mutter something and your brain instantly sorts the nonsensical sound made into a picture of people talking badly behind your back, but it simply isn't true.
Thought patterns can change with work, by denying yourself to waste time on self deprecating thoughts or beliefs that you cannot accomplish something, and instead thinking positively and passionately about what you want to do and who you want to be you can reform your Pavlovian reactions to everyday life.

In the early years of high school I was a social recluse, I'd spend most of the hours in a day on the computer and wouldn't go out of my way to talk to anyone, a stuff load of anxiety and angst followed suit until I started forcing myself to just go out there and do what you can no matter how uncomfortable you feel.
As someone that has graduated high school I have seen a trend (maybe its a new generation thing) that trend is that the people who I thought were the nerds, socially clueless, outcasts or simply "the weird kid" ended up making a lot of friends and have booming social lives that suit them. They came to a point where instead of worrying about others thoughts about them they would commit to being themselves, and people loving love that. Nobody has more friends than someone who is comfortable in their own skin because that confidence of self glows and attracts everyone in sight, giving them a sense that they too can be themselves. Even social awkwardness can be appealing if you still try to be happy and nice to people, it doesn't matter if you feel you aren't conveying your meanings properly because people will see you being nice and actually trying to achieve.

Recognize that the painful comments you keep telling yourself are coming only from you, even if someone else had a bad experience and disliked you, they still don't think about you. As soon as you're out of their sight you're out of their mind because everybody has better things to think about than literally everyone they see. Improving your life is something that comes from within, specifically a stubborn enough will to improve and expand on your life that moves you to action.
There are other things you can do as well, exercise is linked tightly with a healthy mental attitude, working out or going for a run will genuinely improve your mood and overall happiness, if life is stressing you out so much then why not give it a go?

Anxieties can be rid of, friends can be made and your life can change, but you need to be the one to change it.
Whether you know it or not, other peoples praises and curses will never have as big an affect on your life as your own, what does it matter if Timmy from year x thinks you can't do something when you know you can.
There's no reason for you to feel lesser than anyone else, so don't let yourself.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 05:20:13 AM by Clone v.117 »

I know that me thinking other people think stuff about me is just in my head. But I have it all the time and its honestly driving me crazy. Constantly thinking other people think stuff about yourself made me get a crippling low self esteem, altrough I know good enough they dont at all.
Being social anxious is one thing, but I have no idea how to socialize either. I dont know how to start a conversation. I dont know what the right reply is or not. I dont know what to say. For me its honestly harder then any math test i've done.

I know that me thinking other people think stuff about me is just in my head. But I have it all the time and its honestly driving me crazy. Constantly thinking other people think stuff about yourself made me get a crippling low self esteem, although I know good enough they don't at all.
Being social anxious is one thing, but I have no idea how to socialize either. I don't know how to start a conversation. I don't know what the right reply is or not. I don't know what to say. For me its honestly harder then any math test I've done.
The problem is you believe there is a proper way to interact that everybody else knows but you don't. Just as every guy going through puberty has crippling self doubt about their loveual abilities and believes everyone else already knows what they're doing and would ridicule you if they could tell how nervous you are.
You keep telling yourself you "hate X" "don't know Y" or "cant do Z" which underlines clear defeatism. As you put it the constant thought that people talk stuff about you gave you low self esteem, and getting rid of those thoughts can remove it. One thing that is not discussed enough either in education or social settings is how much of an affect not just our thoughts, but the way we word our thoughts, can affect us. Advertisers, journalists, politicians, etc all know how influential wording is, from buzz words to slogans and brand names, all these things cause a very real response in your brain, and repeated responses to stimuli create the neural pathways that we understand as "simply how my brain operates"
But your brain doesn't simply operate in any way, you have no code in your DNA that says you cant do this or your brain isn't good enough to meet societies standard.
The same way advertisers pump you with addictive thought processes to make you into a lifetime customer, the phrases and thought patterns that we keep telling ourselves have an even stronger affect, but nobody is benefiting from these thoughts, at least the marketers are making money off your brain map but recovering negative thoughts and emotions is only damaging your health.
Meditation is another tool I would suggest, it can be tricky to get into but the fundamental basics of meditation is quieting your mind, it is itself the act of acknowledging when your subconscious brings a thought to light, and then letting the thought go back in to the ether without following its path.
Whether or not you are comfortable or ever remotely interested in meditation idk, but I think the practice of forcefully releasing negative thoughts without letting them develop inside you is very rewarding and would be beneficial for you. It is a practice of directed thought, by stepping in on your own thought process and enforcing what you will and will not allow is training for your mind, and strength of will is the result.

There is no right way to converse or socialize, the idea of correct conversation and appropriate replies only somewhat exists in two forms of communication, formal situations such as applying for a job and small talk, the most boring and useless function our mouths can serve, neither of these are interesting or productive when interacting with someone.
It's easy to think everyone else already has their stuff sorted out but the fact is that as a collective species and as individuals nobody has any idea what they're doing, this is the first time any of us have existed as a human being and we're all just making it up as we go along. You don't have to do like everyone else and there is no guidebook or set of standard conversation, if you try to prepare yourself to respond to specific cues then you will only be less prepared when those lines never appear in conversation.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 09:58:45 AM by Clone v.117 »

I've dealt with varying degrees of social anxiety for my entire life, and the best thing I ever learned to help me deal with it is that often, the fears associated with social anxiety are irrational and sometimes, you just have to bite the bullet and do what you're afraid of doing. Much of the time, the benefit outweighs the fear of failure.

All you're feeling are just chemical reactions in your brain
You say I should stop having these toughts, the thing is... I cant. I just have them and I cant do anything about it. Its just how im pieced together. Im sure its porbably just a phase and it will go away once I grow older.
About no right way to socialize, what is the normal way? Im pretty sure if you go talking to your boss about brony stuff or whatever is p much saying goodbye to your job (unless your boss is a brony.) The point is I want to socialize the way people dont think of me as some wierdo, but I just dont know how. It seems whatever I say is wrong in one way or another. For example, my stepsister doesnt like me. I have no idea why. Apperently its because I never say something and another stupid thing but that doesnt really matter. Why do you not like me because I never talk? Im not a bother, im silent, I couldnt have said anything wrong. But still she dislikes me.
Im just dead afraid of people putting up a fake smile and backstabbing me once I turn my back towards them. Im afraid they will talk stuff behind my back. Im afraid they will tell everybody I know something very personal I dont want them to know just because they dont like me.
Sometimes I cant tell anymore if its just the anxiety in my head or they actually do.

My anxiety is just like being the last person alive in CSGO. It feels like they watch and judge every move knowing you probably forget up
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 10:00:54 AM by espio100 »

All you're feeling are just chemical reactions in your brain
You say I should stop having these toughts, the thing is... I cant. I just have them and I cant do anything about it. Its just how im pieced together. Im sure its porbably just a phase and it will go away once I grow older.
About no right way to socialize, what is the normal way? Im pretty sure if you go talking to your boss about brony stuff or whatever is p much saying goodbye to your job (unless your boss is a brony.) The point is I want to socialize the way people dont think of me as some wierdo, but I just dont know how. It seems whatever I say is wrong in one way or another. For example, my stepsister doesnt like me. I have no idea why. Apperently its because I never say something and another stupid thing but that doesnt really matter. Why do you not like me because I never talk? Im not a bother, im silent, I couldnt have said anything wrong. But still she dislikes me.
Im just dead afraid of people putting up a fake smile and backstabbing me once I turn my back towards them. Im afraid they will talk stuff behind my back. Im afraid they will tell everybody I know something very personal I dont want them to know just because they dont like me.
Sometimes I cant tell anymore if its just the anxiety in my head or they actually do.

My anxiety is just like being the last person alive in CSGO. It feels like they watch and judge every move knowing you probably forget up
The normal way to socialize is to be within the same vicinity of a person building upon whatever conversational cues arise, asking open ended questions is a good way to spur conversation.
I know this is hard to apply to yourself but the fact of the matter is you can stop your thoughts, you can change them and it's not simply how you're pieced together. Did you have these thoughts when you were an infant? A toddler? When you were learning to draw and count? No. As you said this is a phase. Knowing something will pass doesn't necessarily make it much easier but what matters is that you accept you CAN change and there is absolutely no reason to give up and tell yourself you are doomed to this fate. Because the same voice telling you change is impossible and that you will always think this way is the same lying voice telling you people are talking behind your back. It's a voice you hear without anyone speaking it, it is a lie.
What it comes down to is whether or not you are going to do something about it, do you want to improve your life, learn to deal with people better and enjoy your own company? Learn to do that then, but if you are just going to give in to the same temptation to retreat, the want to run away, the disinterest built up to protect your ego, all these methods you try every day and they fail, resulting in more of the same, then no there's no point in me talking to you.
Nobody can help you with this, it's entirely on you to change your life.

Anxiety is a part of life just like happiness, fear, determination and pride, it happens to everybody, it has been with men before you were born and will stick around long after you're in the ground, if you want to live a happy life you have to accept that it is and not let it get in your way.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 12:00:30 PM by Clone v.117 »

Thanks for all your advice clone, I owe you one and I seriously appreciate it allot. Honestly it means allot for me
I met someone in the elevator and I greeted him, Progress I say!
I still had tought about him thinking stuff about me. No matter how hard I try I cant seem to get rid of those toughts. I do it unconciously

in all honestly, you probably don't have social anxiety at all. you most likely just have generalized anxiety triggered by social events. source? i was exactly like you. dead on actually.

first, you have to tell yourself that you don't have social anxiety. you are giving yourself a title and expecting to live as someone who has it. no matter how hard it is, don't give up. tell yourself that everyday.

second, don't pity yourself or let others pity you. it enables you to continue on with your issues. don't let the amount of friends you have bother you, they will come and go. chances are the people with a lot of friends have a majority that are fake friends. keep the true ones in your life.

finally, once you have deeply thought about these things, go on with your life. don't even LET the thought cross your mind about what people think about you. start doing hobbies, and friends will follow. join a club at your school or go to a book club; do anything to get yourself to interact with people you have a mutual interest in. once you expose yourself to people for a while, the anxiety will go away.

i'm pretty forgetin weird in all honesty. i like to make bad puns and do stupid stuff for laughs. people like others who can be themselves and are confident about who they are. be who you want to be, not what you think society wants you to be. i'm pretty popular among people now. i went from social outcast to a beam of energy in people's lives.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 12:55:23 PM by hillkill »

you sound like me when i was your age.... good times

tbh youre just a teen stuck in that "lost self" phase, youll realize social anxiety is something youll look back on and realize is dumb af. especially when you get to college and out into the real world.

if youre one of those people that gets really nervous about what they look like (clothes style ect.) or how you act in public or something like that, just realize most people just dont care about other people enough to work that hard on judging them. its easy to notice in hs because you hang around the same people everyday and they all have known you for a long time. but the whole sad sack "i hate myself" gig doesnt help anything



I still had tought about him thinking stuff about me. No matter how hard I try I cant seem to get rid of those thoughts. I do it unconsciously
It takes time to change, just remember to think logically and block the thoughts out when they come, they still will appear for a while but by refusing to give them time for thought, eventually they will fade away and you wont even notice.

if i ever go to belgium, we'll get piss drunk together mmk