Author Topic: progress ad venture  (Read 142086 times)

Down the hall and the first door on the right

but first practice a brief knock-knock joke anyway

never know when that'll come in handy!!

take into consideration how absurdly red that string is like what is it made of



panel forwards/adbot's left

but first practice a brief knock-knock joke anyway

never know when that'll come in handy!!

your feeble mechanical mind cannot comprehend the finesse of a knock-knock joke.

that is to say, you don't really know any jokes. darn.

take into consideration how absurdly red that string is like what is it made of

when people say they're being held up in red tape

this is the red tape they're talking about

it smells like ketchup and the blood of the innocent.



ok, moving left. everything is...


wait, no, that doesn't make any sense

your sense of direction is really getting tested now.

panel forwards/adbot's left
Down the hall and the first door on the right

these directions are getting confusing.

anyway, you've reached the door. how do you proceed?

surely it's a test, the door wants u to open it

so be nice and do so by punching it reeaaallly hard for making u do this that'll show 'em for questioning ur logical power
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 12:07:28 AM by gr8dayseth »

Just open the goddamm door

quietly and slowly turn the knob then fling the door open

this is obviously the wrong door. it doesnt even have a restroom sign on it.

lock the door and cover it with red tape and move on.

this is obviously the wrong door. it doesnt even have a restroom sign on it.

lock the door and cover it with red tape and move on.

give it a parking violation for it getting in your way.
way to be all managery adbot!

Just open the goddamm door
quietly and slowly turn the knob then fling the door open



what is this.

this is obviously the wrong door. it doesnt even have a restroom sign on it.

this is ridiculous.

it's not even a door. it's a curtain.

lock the door and cover it with red tape and move on.

blocked, blocked, blocked

none of this is free from sin

give it a parking violation for it getting in your way.
way to be all managery adbot!

then you put in a parking violation for good measure.

you suddenly realize that this was a huge waste of time.

how will you ever get back those valuable 30 seconds.

realize you really need a bathroom right about now

Find your employees, you're a manager, aren't you?