Author Topic: progress ad venture  (Read 142081 times)

the pioneers used to ride these babies for miles!

disengage hand brake and HERE WE GO

go into plaid
does this statue even have ludicrous speed capable engines??!

put it into drive

feel the revs. whatever those are

listen to that baby purr

disengage hand brake and HERE WE GO


zooming off to places unknown

or rather, known but hard to see

go into plaid
does this statue even have ludicrous speed capable engines??!

short answer? no

it's an ancient rusty bucket of bolts come on

crash into the nearest emptiness

honk the horn of this vehicle, see if it honks ancient ads

quick install some headlights so you dont crash this thing into a wall in the dark

honk the horn of this vehicle, see if it honks ancient ads
be horny

crash into the air around you