Author Topic: Ace's Epic Warehouse TDM v2  (Read 2589 times)


So here it is, the Team Deathmatch build that I finished yesterday.

It's a small warehouse, with two equal sides, one for the red team and one for the blue team. It's been expanded since the last update, so it's now in v2. Here are some extreme shots from within the chaos:

Much thanks to Magoo, dUMBELLS, XD!, Ladios, Laremere, and Ghoul for their help on this.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 06:44:02 PM by Ace »

This looks familiar :/

Love it though <3

Cool its awesome my friend made one really similar to this once.

Looks kind of small. Would be interesting to try it out though.

Cool its awesome my friend made one really similar to this once.
Thats why it looked familiar :D

Nice build, I have to check that out sometime. Did you make the barrels explode on firing? That would kick even more ass.

That was fun. I still want to do the stairs for the garage door bit.

Looks kind of small. Would be interesting to try it out though.
Its the perfect size to keep action going and yet not too crowded.

Yay I'm in a pic.

I came. I saw. I (somewhat) conquered with my autoreload hack.

I was third when I left.


I'll try and host it again when I get a chance, that was beginning to get pretty fun.

I actually have to say that this build is quite original in the DM it forces. Most DMs would have the playes eaither go through trenchwarfare, feild running, or corridor style combat. This DM with its random boxes and barrels creast an interesting terrain effect allowing some rather cool things to be done such as hiding in a box and sprining out as poeple pass or things such as that.

I think I killed you at least once wile you were try to get out of a granade crate.