Author Topic: Tabletop Gaming Scenes  (Read 973 times)

I've been sitting on a massive supply of D&D screenshots for a few months now, and I wanted to post them somewhere. So here I go:

Out of curiosity, how do you play it? do you, like, place bricks and event them as you go, or do you have them preset and just duplicate/destroy them as necessary?

This looks like so much fuuuuuun

When the nostalgic memories of the DnD days hit you...

Out of curiosity, how do you play it? do you, like, place bricks and event them as you go, or do you have them preset and just duplicate/destroy them as necessary?
im not sure if this is still ongoing. i may have been just not invited anymore (no hard feelings towards zeal, if this is the case)

the board is mostly prebuilt, but we use our ghost bricks to show where our character currently is. at each seat is a set of evented number plates and centerprint/chatmessage plates that display things like health stats inventory etc etc

and then we play DnD like people normally do irl - the dungeon master runs the game, we state what we wanna do, dice rolls and everyone dies. Maybe.

I love it brother. This looks like a lot of fun and the scenes you've constructed have excellent attention to detail. I bet you could make some godly mini empire builds.