Author Topic: What happened to Badspot's MAME arcade series?  (Read 1286 times)

he got tired of himself saying "uh"

I asked him one time when he visited his Blockparty sever, he has the rest recorded he just has lost the interest to upload it.

So is rtbarchive ephi or something? Or just some friend that is using a name like that.

So is rtbarchive ephi or something? Or just some friend that is using a name like that.
Well. i dont know.

Maybe Barnabas could be the new Ephialtes.

So is rtbarchive ephi or something? Or just some friend that is using a name like that.
The latter.

So is rtbarchive ephi or something? Or just some friend that is using a name like that.
it's actually read as rt barchive, with a silent b

So is rtbarchive ephi or something? Or just some friend that is using a name like that.

he is Clay Hanson in BL