Server not woking (again)

Author Topic: Server not woking (again)  (Read 398 times)

I used to have problems with running the game before.  A while ago, it would only allow a small amount of datablocks, and now it's not even working.

Note: I'm running with only 2312 datablocks.

Would this error in particular be at fault?:
Code: (this starfish) [Select]
ERROR: WebCom_PostServer() - mission is not running
BackTrace: ->ServerSettingsGui::clickLaunchGame->createServer->createMission->[Slayer_FxDtsBrick]onMissionLoaded->[Slayer_MiniGameHandlerSG]onMissionLoaded->onMissionLoaded->WebCom_PostServer

No Edit:  Blockland crashes when trying to host at different points throughout the process.  I've never gotten to loading datablocks, which is the safe zone.

Could this be an issue of RAM allocation?

Oh baby a triple

Alright, so I ran five (5) trials of the server startup, all with the same settings.  1 & 2 do not include records from booting up Blockland.

Trial 1   •   Trial 2   •   Trial 3   •   Trial 4   •   Trial 5

And when I start up the server, I always get this message...   
...even though this setting is already allowed.

Should I attempt a re-install?