Hey, so I'm making a party system but this part isn't working.. wondering if anyone sees anything I don't.
Starts here and works here: commandToClient(%obj.client,'MessageBoxYesNo',"Invite" SPC %col.client.rpName SPC "?","Are you sure you wish to invite " @ %col.client.rpName SPC "to your party?",'SendGroupInvite');
Sent to here:
function sendGroupInvite(%client)
%client.colorChosen = getFlagColor(%client);
%target = findClientByName(%client.invTarget);
%target.potentialLeader = %client.name;
commandToClient(%target.client,'MessageBoxYesNo',%client.rpName SPC "has invited you to group up",%client.rpName SPC "has requested you join them on their travels. Do you accept their proposal?",'acceptGroupInvite');
%target.consideringParty = 1;
messageClient(%client,'',"\c6Party invite sent.");
Doesn't make it to here from the YesNoBox output:
function acceptGroupInvite(%client)
echo("IT MADE IT" SPC %client.name);
if(!%client.consideringInvite == 1)
messageClient(%client,'',"\c6The invite is too old.");
} etc
Anyone got any ideas? The function I'm trying to get it to works perfectly, it just won't go there without me manually inputing :(