
so hey how do u like school?

i love it
28 (11.2%)
it's aight
75 (30.1%)
146 (58.6%)

Total Members Voted: 249

Author Topic: night discussion topic i guess [night 1305]  (Read 2241747 times)

i want it to be night again so i can sleeeeep

yo is this thread about to be locked

yo why wasn't this thread locked

yo why was this thread locked


cmon seth get outta bed and lets forget
f-five more minutess

okay real stuff:

who used these formula rearrangement triangles in school

hi yes im crying i refound a really beautiful piano piece and it soooooo goood

beautiful music never makes me cry like some people but holy stuff

hi yes im crying i refound a really beautiful piano piece and it soooooo goood

beautiful music never makes me cry like some people but holy stuff
what is it :o

yo why was this topic locked

okay real stuff:

who used these formula rearrangement triangles in school
me and they're so loving stupid and are actually the reason i can't remember the formulas for that stuff