
so hey how do u like school?

i love it
28 (11.2%)
it's aight
75 (30.1%)
146 (58.6%)

Total Members Voted: 249

Author Topic: night discussion topic i guess [night 1305]  (Read 2186836 times)

big chook hours
anyone here big

im 5'2 does that qualify as big

Ayo. Kringle Here. Listen Up.

sorry bout the ridiculous lighting, the solar apocalypse is hard to avoid here in australia

he killed the cats and lives here now

Okay, time for an update on this
motherloving story time

So for the past month and a half, I haven't been able to eat lunch at school because no funds in my account, and my parents are strugging with their money heavily right now. So in my attempt to get a job, I made a post on my town's Facebook page, saying I'm desperately needing a job, explaining my situation and capabilities, along with me being a computer whiz. Well, I've recieved over 40 comments and a forgetton of replies in said comments, likes galore, 4 parents are donating money to my lunch acc, the loving mayor came by and gave me a 100 dollar bill for it and whatever I need help with, I've nailed 3 jobs. One job being cleaning trucks and lawn equipment, gonna do that tomorrow. Second is starting up a PC repair business, an in-home one, I gotta design the logo for the cards along with pricing and Facebook page. 3rd job is either remodel work cleanup or help with clearing out garage. People are also offering to donate me winter clothing and such as well, along with a million nice and supportive comments.

TLDR; holy loving stuff skiatook is kickass

proof picture if u care, names are censored
[im g]http://puu.sh/yhfGY/f45879dfad.png[/img]
I got the job at my local BBQ place, had a kickass time no matter how busy it got, even cleaning the toilets, had a blast all the way though! Everyone there is awesome, the boss is literally the best!!

Second update, MUCH LARGER. My Facebook post caused over 300 comments, people about kids not getting food when they don't have lunch money in their account and no way to donate to them. Well, over 20 people submitted forms about this to the school district here, and they replied that they set up a raffle donation thing where when students are in debt, they get placed in a roll, and once a week a random person is picked, and if they get picked, they'll have their school account taken out of the red with the donations, and enough extra to last 1-2 months!

Due to this, NewsOn8 wants to put out a story on this, featuring me. Tomorrow or Friday I'll get interviewed either through phone or in person, and it'll go from there. Bringing awareness to this for kids all across Oklahoma and hopefully the USA.

Basically, my life changed out of forgetin nowhere and I'm getting a chance to speak out about something that truly needs to change

oh stuff dude grats
thanks bru

this is so weird, I went from pretty much no one to gonna be on the forgetin news and half the town knows me