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Author Topic: night discussion topic i guess [night 1305]  (Read 2272874 times)

guys help i dont want to sleep but my mom whip me with ruler if she find me awake

im joking she doesn't care about me but im trying not to fall asleep

why don't you want to go to sleep

why don't you want to go to sleep
I hate sleeping
i feel horrible whenever i wake up no matter what then i have to drink 2 cups of coffee (im underage too) so this is horrible for me

if you manage to get like 8 - 10 hours of sleep 3 days in a row you'll likely wake up easier. That being said, you still might have a hard time getting off your bed when you wake up; you can fix that by training yourself to think about jumping out of bed as soon as you wake up. that might take awhile to master though lol

if you manage to get like 8 - 10 hours of sleep 3 days in a row you'll likely wake up easier. That being said, you still might have a hard time getting off your bed when you wake up; you can fix that by training yourself to think about jumping out of bed as soon as you wake up. that might take awhile to master though lol
most of time i roll and bang my head on the ground
or knock over water and almost eletrocute myself


hi how do u do this fine night

you know he had to give em chills

It's literally been raining every other day for about a week or so now

Not that i'm complaining, because i like the rain, but it's just been happening a lot lately and pretty much consistently on happening ever other day that it just seems kinda weird

I ate 2 cheeseburgers before lifting weights and now I feel very sick, please help.

I ate 2 cheeseburgers before lifting weights and now I feel very sick, please help.
I ate some pizza and washed it down with a soda and felt a little sick afterwards

I just walk it off, stand around a bit, and relax until the contents of what i devoured has had time to digest and the feeling goes away

Although it's probably just a better idea in the first place to not eat something like cheese burgers before doing a strenuous task like weight lifting
« Last Edit: June 02, 2018, 12:43:41 AM by Masterlegodude »

the real question is why tf would you eat a goddamn cheeseburger before working out