
so hey how do u like school?

i love it
28 (11.2%)
it's aight
75 (30.1%)
146 (58.6%)

Total Members Voted: 249

Author Topic: night discussion topic i guess [night 1305]  (Read 2278822 times)

i sent 73 lines in a game of tetris

i also got a 13 combo a while ago

tetris is fun

Am I the only one who isn't tired at 2 in the morning? I'm like the only person on Blockland at that time.

y sick
cus sick
What's wrong?
things but it's ok i'll probably feel well again soon :)
Am I the only one who isn't tired at 2 in the morning? I'm like the only person on Blockland at that time.

Get your stuff together it's 8 seth

i'm in cst u noob but ye i was asleep

busy with business huh

Two babies one fox
is one of the most emotional sonic comics
you all should google it

Two babies one fox
is one of the most emotional sonic comics
you all should google it

isn't that by that one artist that makes a lot of sonic cub research