
so hey how do u like school?

i love it
28 (11.2%)
it's aight
75 (30.1%)
146 (58.6%)

Total Members Voted: 249

Author Topic: night discussion topic i guess [night 1305]  (Read 2278815 times)

I wonder if i should post a playthrough of Megaman Starforce 1 or 3 on this forum.

hey man hope all is well.
feel free to message me later if you need to chat.
Me too
aw bless u guys :) i talked with khaz and he helped me through it thank u <3

im hungry and thirsty but food is in 3 rooms away and its 12

i'm also feeling a bit :( right now

i was gonna sleep over with a friend, but I changed my mind, because i'm too tired to deal with sleeping on a fibrous, itchy couch
then aforementioned friend's brother and my brother started minor shaming me for not wanting to go
got a bit teary eyed but i covered it up by fake yawning lol


its a lot easier than you might think, although it can be hard keeping track of what exactly to buy and how many things you need to buy. it can cost a pretty penny though so ye

I am willing to help if you need any if you ever do want to build a pc

help how?
like, part suggestions?
also i dont even have the money to get parts lol

aw bless u guys :) i talked with khaz and he helped me through it thank u <3

came back from my town's festival

it sucked

local stuff like that usually sucks

Oh stuff forgot to tell ye mates tommorow is my last day of school

Oh stuff forgot to tell ye mates tommorow is my last day of school

hecka good

im hungry and thirsty but food is in 3 rooms away and its 12
Gotta risk it for the biscuit


joke post

Is it night still?

Edit: I'm bored. I have to wait 2h for my train to arrive.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 04:16:40 AM by c[_] »